1日1日冬に近づいてくる今日この頃。お天気予報ではこの日を境に気温も下がってくるとのことで今日はファミリーアウトドアの日に決めた!まずはお隣の町ウェスビーの公園で!久し振りのロッククライミング!It is almost winter. According to the weather forecast, temperature will drop and rain from next week,,, so we decided to do outdoor activities whole after noon! At first, we went to
Westby park for rock climbing.

フィンお初の滑り台。ブランコ乗ったりAnd Finn got to do slider and swing!!

ダディーに負けずにロッククライミング?!He is trying rock climbing too!

その後はキカプーへとハイキング。ホースライディングを楽しむ人たちの姿も!やっぱりみんな同じ事考えてるのかな?!こんなに近くでたくさん遊べるって素敵~!Then we headed to Kickapoo Reserve! We saw some people were enjoying horse riding too! Everyone is thinking the same thing! Enjoy the warm weather before winter!!

ベイビーシート付きバックパックはカヌーライフジャケットに次いで2番目に購入した物。今回初めてフィンを乗せてみました!We bought this backpack before he was born and it was the second item we bought for him. Now his neck is strong enough and he is 15 lb!

すっかり葉が落ちた晩秋のハイキング。フィンも辺りを見回して楽しそう!The leaves has fell off and brunches and blue sky contrast is very beautiful! Finn was looking around he seems like enjoying being in the woods!

Wow it's beautiful! Kickapoo river reflects sun light! Do you remember when we canoe on the Kickapoo in Summer??!!

わ~かわいいストーン橋!Wow this rock bridge is awesome!!

We had such a great day! We have such a Happy life!!