Our blog is bit behind but finally we came home!!! We drove from the Florida Keys via Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa then finally we arrived in Wisconsin safe and sounds! It took us 3 days. Driving time is probably about 30 hours. These cows makes us feel like we are ho~~~~~~me!!!

ウィスコンシンは今年は異常なぐらい暖かく、お花も1か月ほど早く咲いたようで。いつもならリンゴのお花の満開なのが5月中旬ぐらいだから楽しみにしていたら、、、、。すでに終わってしまっていた。でも、私にとっては暖かいのに越したことはない!私たちが到着する前の1週間は一時的に一気に寒くなり、雪も降ったという噂だったけど、、、。調度いい時期に到着したみたい。Wisconsin spring started very early this year. Usually apple blossom come around the middle of May but it was a month early so we missed them. But I love worm weather so I am very happy with it!

さすがアーミッシュ。昨年この辺りに引越して来たアーミッシュファミリー。家も着々と改築されている!そういえばクロービスの実家のファームのお隣にもアーミッシュファミリーが昨年引越して来た!今年もまた楽しみだな~ The Amish family who moved to this area last year they built a nice big house! Clovis' parents farm have a new Amish neighbor this year too! It is all exciting!

馬車を走らせるアーミッシュ達。すでに釣りに出掛けるためにアルミで作ったボートをバギーに載せて釣竿を持って川へと急ぐアーミッシュ達の姿も見られました。アーミッシュと言えば!そして私たちが金曜日に帰って来た理由も、Amish buggies on a road is also nice to see. Some Amish were on the way to the lake for fishing. they had there Aluminum boat and fishing pole on their buggy and looked so happy! Everyone is enjoying this spring! The reason why we came home on Friday is,,,,,,

’アーミッシュドーナッツ’!毎週土曜日しか出していないこのドーナッツ。やっぱりどこのドーナッツを食べるよりもおいしい!Yes! Amish Doughnuts! They make such great doughnuts. You can get them only on Saturdays between May and October! It's our favorite doughnuts!

http://thelittlecountryschool.com/jpTheir bakery is as simple as it could be and it is located in the very deep country side. it's hard to find but once you find it, I bet you will probably come every Saturday!!
5/14 5/15
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