この日は母の日。ということでプレママの私もちゃっかりお花を頂いちゃいました!なんだか感動!!It was mother's day. I was given a rose even though I am a

ここはそれとはまた違ってサメ、バラクーダ、その他たくさんの生き物に出くわして面白かった。Today's family activity is fish, fish fish! We took a snorkeling trip by boat to looe key. it's about 30 min from shore. It was very different from Maui. Maui has great corals just off shore. but here we see more marine life cause we are out further. plus the fish seemed to have more florescent colors. we saw School of fish, some sharks, barracudas and more stuff! It was great!

お料理を提供するというファミリーお勧めのレストランへ!Next fish is eating!! Wow exciting!! We went to a restaurant that serves very fresh fish a family favorite in the Keys.

食べられる側より食べる側でよかった~ I'm glad we are the ones eating fish not being eaten!

Wwwwwooooo. These crab claws are amazing!!

鯛のクリーミーウィスキーソース!Snapper with creamy
wiskey sauce

他にもウィスコンシンでは食べられない海の幸を満喫!And we had more fresh seafood, non of which we can get in Wisconsin!!

Clovis and I stayed at the family condo as I am a pregnant but the others camped by the ocean! It was really hot, But you know Wisconsin people don't care if it is too hot as they spend
the looooooong cold winter dreaming about being too hot!!

あ!もうすぐサンセット。急いで外にでなくちゃ!!This condo has a perfect view. Oh sunset! We better go outside!!

なんとか間に合った!We were just in time!

他の皆はすでに釣りを始めていた!サンセットを見ながらの釣り。暑さも和らいで何ともいい雰囲気!the rest of the family had already started fishing. It is prime time of the day for fishing!

ジョージは何故かカニがつれた!George got a crab,

Clovis got cat fish. ????? Aren't we supposed to catch yummy fish??!! we had a great fish day, watching, eating and catching anyway!!