ジェーンは大の馬好き。ファームでも現在は7匹の馬を育てていて、ファームの周辺にとどまらず、あらゆるところをホースライディングして楽しむ。先日ハワ イ島にてホースライディングをしたけど、今度はマウイにて。リゾート地のラハイナや観光地のハレアカラではホースライティングができるところはどこにでも 広告が出されているけど、東側のハナエリアで探すのは少々苦労した。そこでやっと見つけたのがここハナの近くのキパフルというエリアにある'Maui Stables' web http://www.mauistables.com/
Jane Loves horses. She has about 7 horses on her farm. she rides on her big beautiful farm and also loves to take her horses out west (by truck and trailer) and go for pack horse camping trips! She did horse riding on Hawaii Island as you saw on this blog but she wanted to ride on Maui too! It is easy to find a place for riding in the resort area and on Haleakala because those places are so popular. but finding a spot on the east side of muai is bit harder. Finally we found one in
Kipahulu area near Hana. 'Maui Stables' web
ここのツアーの特徴は何と言ってもガイドさん。地元で生まれ育ったこのガイドさん、まずは歴史の説明。ガイドさんのご先祖様たちはかなり早くからこのハワイにやって来た人達でタヒチ人がハワイに来る前だから1000年以上も前。ハワイの歴史を語る30時間もかかる歌を覚えたり、ガイドブックでは載っていないような色々な説明を聞く事約1時間。その後いよいよ馬に乗ってこの大自然あふれるところをお散歩!This tour is very unique. It is not only riding a horse but also you will get to know a lot of Hawaiian history and all about hawaiian herbs and plants from a Local guide! He knows so many things! His family came to Hawaii very early like over 1000 years ago before Tahitian came. He said when he was young, he had to remember a song about Hawaii history that takes 30 hours to sing!

天気もさいこ~ Weather turned great!

Wild Cows!!! in maui there are wild cows, pigs, goats and chickens! it's like a big farm, only some times these wild animals do a lot of damage to the native ecosystem. They look very relaxed I think that is why Maui beef is so yummy!!

この3カ月ぐらい全然雨が降らずだったマウイの東側もこの数日どっと雨が降って滝も潤っている!Last 3 months, we had almost no rain but Jane semmed to bring the rain with her. At least this means the water falls look great!

Herb walking time! He knows every single herb and wild plants around this area. Of course Jane was standing closest to him! She loves herb walks! It was about a 4.5 hour tour. It was great value!!
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