日帰りの場合 3時間$15 1日$20 その他ホテル、ドミトリー、ロッジ、キャンプ等の宿泊施設もある
We went to Sierra Hot Springs for a night. It's about 1.5 hours from Colfax. It doesn't have a big sign. It is bit difficult to find but you can check on the web at www.sierrahotsprings.org

We parked our car at the entrance and walk up to here on foot (5min).Let's take Hot springs!!!! We ware swimming suits but,,,,,, other people are completely naked both men and women!!!! It is up to you though. When people come to Japan and go to hot springs, many of them get funny feeling as we take a bath together in naked but we have separate bath room for men and women but here ,,,,,. Actually it even didn't bother me. It has big out side pool and small bath tab in the dorm. We had at night too, it was just gorgeous looking at stars and moon in the hot springs!

もうひとつ小さなバスタブが奥にあるというので行ってみました。なんだか牧場のど真ん中で温泉に入っているという意外な風景。One more little bath tab . It is in a middle of cow pasture.

今度はドームの中に行ってみる。バスタブのそこは砂地になっていて、そこからぼこぼこ温泉が湧き出ているのがわかる。この中は皆メディテーションをする人もいるのでおしゃべりは禁物。やっぱり温泉っていいな~~~~!In the dorm, the bottom of the bath tab has sand and we can see the hot springs source! Here you need to be quiet. People do meditation too!

This is our lodge for tonight!

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