毎週土曜日の町のマーケット。冬の間はインドアでのファーマーズマーケット。そうだ、ここにも募金箱を置いてもらおう!Every Saturday there is a farmer's market at the public market in Viroqua. I visited there and asked to put the donation jar for Japan.

ロビンはいくつかのファーマーズマーケットを回っているので、その都度この募金箱を持って行ってくれる事になりました。お客さんからもすでに募金にご協力して頂きました!Robin who makes amazing stuff using herb such as tinctures, salves, lip balms etc. She goes different farmer's market. She said she can bring the donation jar with her where ever she goes! Her clients donated already while I was there! Thank you so much!!

ビロクアの町のコープさん。既に募金活動を始められていました!嬉しい限りです!日本の皆さん、私たちもアメリカの小さな町から応援しています。がんばってください!Then I went to the Viroqua Co-op. They have already started the donation box!!! It's great! I am so thankful for our community.
We are having an all community meeting on Monday to plan some local fund raising events and efforts to help Japan! PLEASE COME HELP! bring your good ideas! tell every one you know about the meeting! if you can not make it but want to be involved please contact Clovis or I at the below info. thanks Keiko & Clovis
When: Monday the 21st, 3:30 - 5:30pm
Where: the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in the "Youth Room" of the "office and classroom" building attached to the church.
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