!今回のイベントの名前が決定しました。'YAMATO, JAPAN FUNDRAISER'ポスターイメージに日本の文字を使ったらどうかというみんなの意見から、私たちが選んだのは’和’。平和、人々の和、自然と人間の和、そして日本と、あらゆる思いを込めて。私のイメージを禅画を学んでいるシダローズにアレンジしてもらってデザインが完成しました!これから、高校生達がこのデザインでT-シャツを作ってくれる予定。T-シャツで得られるお金はすべて募金として日本に送ります!The name is 'YAMATO, Japan Fundraiser' ! I think if it's perfect name! Yamato 和 means peaceful, unite, circle and Japan. Cedarose designed for our poster and T-shirts! It looks great! Mt. Fuji and a Cherry blossom, a crane and it says Viroqua in read. We will make paper crane at the event too!

Mr. Bill Neil found a great musician for our event. He said there are many Japanese musician but they are busy because other people are having fundraiser for Japan too. Wow I am so thankful for people doing it for Japan. It was really difficult to find a musician but he finally found a great musician one hour before our second meeting! 'Mr.Leo Hansen' who plays 'SHAKUHACHI' here is his website http://www.shakuhachi.com/D-WindLion.html
SHAKUHACHI is one of our old traditional instrument. Not so many people can play nowadays even Japanese. Wow it will be awesome!