年に一度の学校のファンダライジングのイベント’ホリデーフェア’に行ってきました。外は雪がしんしんと降りだし、あっという間に地面は真っ白!It's the annual Holiday Fair at pleasant ridge waldorf school (a fund-rising event). our first snow started just an hour ago and already the roads are covered!

まずは第一弾。学校の教室に様々なアーティストや、生徒たちのが並び、町の人たちはそれを購入する事ができます。この生徒達の作品の売上は学校へ寄付されるのです。At the fair you can buy lots of art from local artists and students.

シダローズは’道元’の禅画を翻訳しているという師匠のワークショップに参加し、この先彼のもとでインターンシップをして禅画を学んでいく予定。今回彼女もホリデーフェアに参加。Cedarose who went to a Zen painting workshop by a Japanese Zen master had her art on display and for sale too. Her Zen painting teacher translated a book written in one of the most famous Zen Buddhist teacher Dogen.
そろそろ閉館。早い時間帯ではこのステージでバンド演奏がありました。Cafe time! It's almost closing time, we can't miss the cakes!! They had some singing earlier on the stage.

おいしいケーキをペロリ。フィンもミルクを飲み終えて、すっかりお休みモード。この先のダンスパーティーはお預けかな~。The cake disappeared quickly and Finn is in sleeping mode. We should probably skip the dance party after this.

Wow it says 22F!!! Once out side in the snow Finn's eyes became wide open! So we decided to stop by the dance party after all.

バーの中は町じゅうの人たちが集まって熱気むんむん!Many people came to the party!

ふぃ~ん、ダディーと一緒に踊ってるのね~ Fi~~~~~~~nn, rock out with daddy!

Finn attracts the ladies very easily. It won't be the same in 20 years Finn!
フィンが少々ぐずりだしたので家に戻るとすでに11時半。フィンは再びパーティー気分。↑この動画を見せるとカメラが再びフィンを映したところで必ず声を大きくして笑いだし、手足をバタバタして喜んでいた。5回のうち4回同じシーンで同じ動作と笑いをしていたので自分の事を見るのが好きとみた!ナルシストかい??!!Finn started getting fussy so we went home. It was already 11:30 PM. But Finn turned into dance party mode again and stayed up late! We showed him this video of him dancing. Every time he saw himself clearly (his second appearance), Finn would giggled and move his arms up and down. I guess he loves to see himself ! Hey buddy, it's time for bed!
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