人仕事終えたチビサンタ。Looks like little Santa did his job last night.

大きなクリスマスツリーの下にはたっくさんのプレゼントが!Wow! There are many presents under the X-mas tree!

わ~い!皆が揃ったところでプレゼント、オープン!Open the presents!!

私たち3人の名前入りのかわいいスノーマンマット!Wow, we got a cute mat with our name on!!

じゃーん!私たちのプレゼント!This is our big present this year!

おっと、チビサンタにも?!腹が減っては戦は出来ぬ! Little Santa got some cooking toys! 'I can't work without food!!

ご近所さんにご挨拶!O.K. Let's go for a walk and visit some friends!

ふ~プールサイドで一休みして、、、 The little Santa is having a rest by the swimming pool.

おっと親戚みんなが集まったところでディナータイム!We had 18 people together for the siemon family Christmas dinner! It's time to eat!!

みんなで食べると更においし~ Chief Mama Jane was in charge of the meal, she had every one bring a dishes! It's delicious!!

チビサンタ、すっかり人気者!Little Santa is so popular.


あらら、酔っ払いサンタ??!!Little Santa, are you drunk??

そろそろ帰りますか!Now I have to go home.

トナカイさんじゃないの?ば~ああ~い!!'Thank you everyone, have a great holiday!! Bye bye!!' ??? Where are my reindeer?? how do you fly this thing??

毎年一つフィンへのクリスマスオーナメントを増やしていく事にしました。今年はフロリダでの思い出ストーンクラブのオーナメントに決まり!メリークリスマス!I decided to get one ornament every year for Finn. This year we got Stone Crab to remind us of the great first Christmas we had in Florida!!
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