ここはどこ?ダディーに抱かれてきょろきょろ。Where are we??!! Finn is looking around being held in his daddy's arm?!

ハロー!2週間違いのお友達を発見!Hi, how are you doing?! Finn, are you shy??!!

じゃじゃーーーん!ウィスコンシンの寒さからちょっと抜け出そう作戦。クリスマスホリデーはフロリダへの旅!フィンのお初の空の旅。朝5時に家を出て、ラクロス空港からミネアポリス空港、そしてフロリダへ!Yes! We are on the way to Florida! It's nice to escape from cold for a while. We are going to Florida for Xmas!We left the farm at 5AM took 2 flights to Florida!

フィン、すっかり夢の中。耳いたくなるかなーと思ったけど全然大丈夫!Perfect! Finn did not have any problem ! He is in a sweet dream!

ダディーとちょっとお散歩に。きょろきょろきょろきょろ。Daddy took him for a tour. He was looking around every where!

フロリダに無事到着!いや、一つだけ悲しいアクシデント。フロリダの人々へのお土産の大量のオーガニックバレーのチーズやお肉が入ったスーツケースが行方不明、、、空港の人たちは荷物は既についてるから間違って持っていかれたか盗まれたかって、、、。そ、そ、そんな、、、、。気分を取り戻しいざシャトルバスへ。ヤシの木が立ち並ぶ暖かいフロリダ!暑すぎず寒すぎずの心地よい気候。ウィスコンシンを出た時はー15度ぐらいでした。It was almost perfect except,,,,, the suit case full of Organic Valley cheese and meat has gone somewhere,,, Delta said it has arrived so it might be stolen or someone mistook their baggage,,,, Delta said it is not their responsible,,,,, It's not fare,,,,,,, Well what can I do,,, lot's forget about it for now,,, We are in Florida! Palm tree makes us feel so warm already! It's super comfortable temperature here in Florida. Not too hot and not too cold! When we left home it was around -8 F!

シャトルバスの次は電車。ここでもあたりをきょろきょろ。周りの皆もフィンをきょろきょろ。バスも電車も初めてのフィン。もう興奮して寝られません。We took a bus and train to get to West Palm beach. Finn was looking around everything again. And everyone was looking at Finn too. He was so excited about everything!

ウィスコンシンボーイは今日は牛君です。Wisconsin caw boy!!

ひいおばあちゃんの近くに住むケイおばちゃんのお家にお泊まりさせてもらいます。ついた時は夜の7時半。We are staying at Kay and Robbie's house in West palm beach.It was around 7;30 pm. Finn is super awake.Kay made wonderful dinner for us!

面白そうなおもちゃがたっくさんあってフィンにっこにこ。もうこんなおもちゃで遊べるようになったなんて気づかなかった、、、。夜は3人ともぐっすりでした!They have some great toys. Finn loved them. Wow we didn't realized that he can play with those toy already!! We slept very well after the looong trip from Wisconsin!
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