11月秋から冬へと変わる季節。そんな中素敵なカップルの結婚式に行ってきました!オーガニックファーマー達の素敵なウェディング!素敵なファームで素敵な式になりました!November!! is here and it's almost winter. We went to Jillian and Adam's Wedding! They are Organic farmers!! They had their ceremony on their farm!

式の後はバーンを改造して作られたパーティー会場へ移動。Then we went to the party place. It used to be a barn!!

フィンも赤々と照るライトや周りのたくさんの人をきょろきょろ。Finn was so excited to see a lot of lights and people!!

お料理は、さすがオーガニックファーマー。自分たちで育てたオーガニックポーク。そしてお野菜ももちろん自分たちのファームでとれたものをジリアンのママを初めお友達が手伝って作られた愛情たっぷりディナーです!Dinner was great! They raised a pig themselves and now it's on our plate!! Of course the vegetables are from their farm!! Jillian's mom Jane and other friends cooked such a great meal!!

お友達のバージニアが焼いたパン。ビロクアで一番おいしいパン!It's the best bread from her friend Virginia!

さあ、スピーチが始まります!Speech time!

↓みえるかな~フィンのダンス!ちょっと暗いかも、、、。The local band was great, everyone enjoyed dancing!! ↓Here is Finn's dancing! (It might be too dark to see though,,,)
いつまでもお幸せに!!We are very happy for you Jillian and Adam!! Congratulations!!
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