週末ということもありクロービスのお兄さん夫婦のお仕事もお休みなので早速車を借りて彼らの住むコロラドでも山のエリアへ向かった!デンバーをちょっと抜けるとすぐこのように一面マウンテンビュー!すでに山々には雪がかぶってる!あの山達はみんな3000~4000m級!We drove from Denver to Marble where Clovis' brother and his wife live. The photo below is just less than half hour driving from Denver. Mountains everywhere. Some of them are snow cap too!

ちょっと遠回りして冬の間にはしまってしまうインディペンデンス パスというルートを行ってみた!写真だと肉眼と違って立体感にかけるけど、ほんと、かなりスゴイ!We took the scenic way ' independence Pass'! The photo does not show the beauty as good as we could see it, but you can imagine! It was just gorgeous!

個々が最頂点。標高12,095フィート(約4000m!)富士山より高い位置にいるんだ~!It's 12,095feet! higher than Mt. Fuji in Japan!

展望台まではかなりの強風と寒さそして少し走っただけで息が切れたけどこんな感じ!遠回りしてきたかいがあった!! We pushed over to the outlook against strong cold winds. We ran a little bit and my hart was bumping so hard!!!! I quickly learned that I shouldn't run when we are so high up on a mountain! It was absolutely worth the extra time to go over Independent Pass!
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