さて、今日はハイキングを楽しもうと湖の周りの紅葉が見渡せる展望へと登る事に。以外にアップが急だな~。でもほんとこのきらきらゴールドの道。すごい!Let's take a hike! There is a look out on the top of this hill. but It is quite steep!!

ま、ま、ま、まさかおばあちゃん一緒にくる?Margaret, are you really coming??

到着!!!Here we are!!!

女性チームで写真をとっていると??え??まさかおばあちゃん!!!87歳にしてこの坂を登りきってきた!昨日8時間のドライブしてきたばかりなのに。We were taking some photos and hearing some voice. ??? Margaret??!! I thought you are 87 years old and we were in a car for 8 hours yesterday.

なにはともあれ記念撮影せねば!Wow you made it! we should take a photo together!!! I hope I am like her when I am 87.

階段もこんな可愛く!そして歩いているうちに何羽かライチョウに出くわした。ぶるぶるぶる~~~~っと本当に雷鳥って感じ!日本で長野当たりの山奥にツアーでハイキングコースに添乗に行った時、いつも探してみたけどやっぱり周りに人が多すぎて見れなかった。ついにこの目で見る事ができた!イーグルも何羽かみたな~。写真はとっても追いつかなかったけど。Those are cute stairs! We saw a couple of grouses and eagles. But they where too fast for me to get a photo.

スペリオル湖へ戻ってランチタイム!Let's have lunch at the picnic area by Lake Superior!!

さて、もうひと運動!最近ストレッチに励むクロービス Clovis does his stretching everyday recently, only this time the tree joined him.

we had so many yummy snacks with us! I kept eating them and getting power. so much power I could split a rock!

おりゃ~~~!or hold up a Tree~~~~~~~~

Look at the tree!!! It's not me!! Water carried it and it just got stuck.This gorge was made by Gracia water when it melted. The water level used to be 600 ft higher than now.

心配していた天気もこんなに晴れ間が広がった!We had such great weather, even we were nervous before we left.

川の流れも気持ちがいい~!そうだ、そろそろ魚釣りの時間じゃないかな??!!夕暮れ時がいいらしい!The sounds of the river water is great! I think it's fishing time!!

早速ガソリンスタンドでフィッシングライセンスをゲット!ここはお隣の州ミネソタ州で私たちはウィスコンシンレジデンスなので、少々割高。3日間で25ドル。We got fishing license at the gas station. $25 for 3 days as we are not Minnesota residents.

かなり寒くなったので宿に戻る事に。すると、、、、。水草とばかり思っていたのに、魚が釣れた!!トラウトのようだけど!!!写真は撮ったけどジョージのカメラだったので、また改めて。正直人生で一人で釣ったのは初めて!めっちゃくちゃうれしかった!Let's get the canoes on the lake in front of the cabin! So nice and quiet!! But it is getting very cold so we decided to go back. At the last minutes finally I caught a fish!!!!! It's was the first time in my life!!!!! We took a photo but it was not with my camera. ....

さて、今夜の当番はシダローズとキーフ!じゃ~~ん!ローストチキン!Tonight chefs are Cedarose and Kieff ! Roasted Chicken and gravy sauce!!

グレービーソースのプロマーガレットの指導を受けつつ Margaret is pro for that! It is so nice to learn how to do it Grandma's way!!

そしてこれはワイルドライス!ミネソタ、ウィスコンシン州の北の方の湖でワイルドに育つ。手摘みのものはカヌーで移動しながら摘むので更に高級。Cedarose found wild rice on the way to here. Wow it's very exciting!

It was just delicious. Thank you so much Cedar and Kieff!!
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