Japanese Noh play by Youth Initiative High School tonight! I went to the school to help them with their Japanese dinner and decoration!,,,,,,,,first thing I was asked was 'IKEBANA' ,,,oh it is bit hard without any tools ,,,, but we made them look like 'IKEBANA'! Then for dinner, we made Cucumber and avocado roll, Smoked Trout pate sushi, Asparagus and 'Gomadare'(Sesame base sause) noodle, press radish and salad with orange and mint! Well done!!

Lots of people came to see the play! We were all excited!

さ てはじめは狂言の’仁王’バクチでお金に困った男が、仁王の衣装を持っているという仲間とたくらんで、仁王に化けて拝みに来る人たちからのお供え物をたく さん得て喜んだ。2回目に、足の不自由な人が治りますようにと拝みに来て仁王の足をさすると、くすぐったさが我慢できず動いてしまいばれてしまったという お話。主役のフォレスト君、仁王の顔もとっても良く作れてましたよ~~~!!
First one was one of the 'Kyogen' call The Deva King!
This play begins with a man who has fallen on hard times (by gambling), He decides to leave the city in which he lives and try his luck in a far away country. Before he leaves however, he goes to visit his friend. While the man and his friend are talking they come up with a plan to get the man some money. The man will mimic a stature of the god NIO so people will come and give him offerings, This greedy plan works well. They try a second time and people came and gave him offerings again. A man who came for praying touched the foot of NIO. NIO was tickled and couldn't help moving. Then everybody knew he was not real NIO!!!
After that, Obasute, Gargoyle, Komachi and the Hundred Nights, The Literate Highwayman, Taniko(The valley Rite), The ink- Smeared Lady and Nishikigi.
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