以前からこの地域の特徴の一つ、アーミッシュ達の事をご紹介していました。キリスト教の中でも成人後の政令を主張する再洗礼派教徒であり、1693年スイスMennoniteというプロテスタントの一派であった同じく幼児洗礼に反対した宗派のJacob Ammanによって結成されました。彼らの中にもいくつかのメジャーなグループがあり、カナダ、アメリカに住んでいます。グループによって規則の厳しさは違いますが、ウィスコンシンのこのあたりに住むアーミッシュは最も厳しいといわれています。
The Amish are an Anabaptist Christian denomination, formed in 1693 by Swiss Mennonites led by Jacob Amman. They live in the US and Canada and are divided into several major groups. The Old Order Amish use horses for farming and transportation, dress in a traditional manner, and forbid electricity or telephones in the home. Amish who live around this area live by very strict rules but are friendly pioneers of sustainable living .

Today we will take Tomoko to the Amish Country. Viroqua has a farmer's market every Saturday between May and October. Amish also come to the farmer's market by their buggy to sell their product. Clovis and Keiko are always excited every Saturday morning for the market and Amish Doughnuts! Clovis and Tomoko went to the Amish Bakery to get the doughnuts for our breakfast! Then we went to see the farmer's market. This year vegetables are bit late but the market has lots of hand made Jewelry, furniture, sweets and lots of plants. Vegetables are always nice to by from farmers too! Fresh and taste very good! Amish goods are always amazing.
(We shouldn't take photos of Amish so this time NO PHOTO)

Then we visited one of the Amish area ' Cashton'. We visited several Amish farms to see their products and also we saw them farming. They handle houses with ease and were planting. Their house has wind mill to pump up water so that they can use water in the house.It is just like back to the future!

Wisconsin is the Cheese State! We visited one of the Cheese factories in Cashton to get cheese curd! Fresh fresh cheese when you chew it it make sound ' squeak squeak squeak ' like mice! We found American football goods. Tomoko joined Wisconsin Green bay packers fan club!!
Amish usually don't have social interactions with out side groups but we got to visit one of the family's farms and have a personal tour. They have such beautiful plants and baskets. We bought some off them! Evening time, they milk cows. Of course they milk by hand! It was like in a old picture of 17 century! Most Amish have many children and the children start working when they are very young. Their parents needed to go somewhere today but the children showed us around and also run the farm no problem! Their Milk goes to the cheese factory we went to today!!
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