Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spring Harvesting! 春の収穫!

Vegetable Season!!
Asian greens in my garden are ready to eat!!! It's only 1.5 months since I planted! I'm so excited for cooking!

Of course I cooked Japanese dish with our vegetables! It makes me feel like I'm in Japan!
Noodle soup with lots of Asian vegetables, salad, Ohitashi which is just boiled Komatsuna with sesame or bonito flake! Japanese dishes are simple but yummy!!
クレソンはカシューナッツ、ガーリック、オリーブオイルと合わせてペストにしてみました!辛味がきいてこれまたいける~~!I also made Cress Pesto. Cress, Cashew nuts, Olive oil and garlic blend together. It was just nice and spicy!! It's really good with your wine!!
Also we went to the little country school garden for weeding. The vegetables have been GROWING LOTS!!
レタスもこんなに大きく!Huge lettuce,
Ground Cherryもこんなに可愛く出てきました!パイ作りもそう遠くはない?!かな!!
Oh I can't wait for the grand cherry pie!!
Tomato!!!! Texas already had ripe tomato a month ago! Wisconsin is nearly there!!
沢山のラディッシュ達!新鮮なおいしいお野菜に囲まれて幸せ~~~~!Cute radishes. Oh such a wonderful life we have!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Strawberry イチゴ


Strawberry!! Organic strawberry has such a sweet and natural taste!! They are bit small but lots of flavor!! 2 box of strawberry! Of course Flesh is the best but we put in the freezer for our breakfast smoothies!


Our CSA box also had a pack of strawberry!! It makes us so happy!!! Yummy cute strawberry!! The quanity of vegetables in the CSA box is getting to be more and more!


What is this plant?


It's Tobacco! It's a beautiful little plant! but watch these little plants will grow fast!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Mall of America! モールオブアメリカ

We left home at 5 o'clock in the morning for Minneapolis!!! It wasn't so bad early morning driving!!! Though I just enjoyed the orange color of the sky then fell in sleep while Clovis was driving,,,,, but I promised that I will drive on the way back!!!!!! After we competed our meetings, we decided to go to Mall of America!!!
Oh we might get lost!!! It's huge!! Many American fly to Minneapolis just for the Mall of America, so it is by the air port! There is an indoor amusement park too!
At the Lego section, we saw a dinosaur ( Clovis was secretly very excited with the LEGOs!!)
Let's go for Lunch!!! We were so excited to have so many good options, back in the countryside we don't have so many choices. We tried Nicollet Avenue, just south of Down town! There are a lot of Asian restaurants around here!
We choose Malaysian! I had Laksa!! He had Pineapple pork! The restaurant had outside table along the street where many cars drive by. But it was a nice choice cause we felt like we are in the CITY!!
Then, we were in got stuck in a traffic jam!! we never have this in Viroqua so we really felt like we were in the BIG CITY NOW!!! But on the way back home, it was nice and quiet country roads. Corn has been getting taller and taller so we have more green field!! Nature is always nice!! Of course I drove as I promised!! It was a nice drive, I enjoyed it!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Home made Chocolate shop 手作りチョコレートのお店

Viroqua is a small country town. But there are a lot of artist here! As well as Viroqua public market, we have Home made art chocolate shop! The dream of having 'the Candy Land', which most of us had when we were young, comes true for a while! It's not only homemade but also they use local ingredients too!


Oh,,,,,I can't decide which ones!!!!


Well we had little bit of everything and sprinkle a lot of colorful chocolate flowers around them! Enjoy the beauty of the art and then the delicious taste! All of them are so nice but try the turtle one which has local walnuts!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Garden ガーデン!

It's strawberry season!!! It's getting nice and red! Birds even came to taste our berrie, but that's OK I guess,,,,
There are a lot of strawberries at the farm we will probably go to pick them soon!!

The radish we planted with Tomoko became cute pink radishes!

My Asian greens are great! Japanese greens Komatsuna, Mizuna and Mibuna they are doing so well! I can't wait for eating them soon!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy 60th Marriage Anniversary!結婚60周年記念!

It was Grandma and Grandpa's 60th wedding Anniversary! 60th!! Not so many people can have it! They came from Colorado by car. It takes about 18 hours!!!! Wow Americans drive a lot!! Uncle Mike flew from Texas. Hear is a group photo!
Jane cooked wonderful dinner for the celebration! Roasted organic beef, Dry tomato and red pepper tart with asparagus and mush potatos!!Oh it was so delicious!!

And 60th Wedding cake!! Congratulations! Grandpa told us that the key of a long lasting happy marriage is dish washing!!!! remember that boys!!!
We went to Mississippi river for picnic and enjoyed bird watching! We saw a pelican flying in the sky!!!!!! I have seen them on the beach but not in the sky before!!!! It looks like in anime but it was real pelican!!!!!!

It was such precious family time! Congratulations Bob and Lillian!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cute Viroqua public market かわいい町のマーケット

私たちの町ビロクアはとっても小さな田舎町です。そんな中に、ビロクアパブリックマーケットがあります。Our town Viroqua is a very small town! It has a cute market call Viroqua Public Market!中に入ると様々な地元のアーティストのかわいらしい小物や、ナチュラルブロダクトのシャワージェルやクリームなどが量り売りやその他たくさん置いてあったり、オーガニックアイスクリーム屋さんがあったり、ついつい時間を費やしてしまう!There are a lot of cute items. Natural products such as shower gel, cream etc. and Organic Ice Cream shop!

Hand made items always amaze me! Saturday we have farmer's market as well so I always stop by! It is a very nice market!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Noh play in Wisconsin! 能楽本番in Wisconsin

さて、前回リハーサルにお邪魔したユースイニシティブハイスクールのNoh Play お能のいよいよ本番がやってきました!あれから練習してきっとみんな今日はどきどき本番を迎えるんだな~。
能 にともない、観客へのディナーの準備。’日本人’という事で助っ人に呼ばれた私も早速高校へ。すでに準備は進んでいて、まずは装飾を。劇の舞台は生徒達が ほとんど終えていたので、私たちは周りのお花を。と、、、、やっぱり来たか、、、生け花についての質問。、、、。生け花でも道具もなければ、、、。と、開 き直り、みんなで生け花風の花飾りを作りました!いざ飾ってみるととってもきれい!
Japanese Noh play by Youth Initiative High School tonight! I went to the school to help them with their Japanese dinner and decoration!,,,,,,,,first thing I was asked was 'IKEBANA' ,,,oh it is bit hard without any tools ,,,, but we made them look like 'IKEBANA'! Then for dinner, we made Cucumber and avocado roll, Smoked Trout pate sushi, Asparagus and 'Gomadare'(Sesame base sause) noodle, press radish and salad with orange and mint! Well done!!
Lots of people came to see the play! We were all excited!

Mr. Jacob who runs the school played a lot of different instruments and made really nice sounds of Noh! He looks good in Japanese cloth too!
Video ↓

さ てはじめは狂言の’仁王’バクチでお金に困った男が、仁王の衣装を持っているという仲間とたくらんで、仁王に化けて拝みに来る人たちからのお供え物をたく さん得て喜んだ。2回目に、足の不自由な人が治りますようにと拝みに来て仁王の足をさすると、くすぐったさが我慢できず動いてしまいばれてしまったという お話。主役のフォレスト君、仁王の顔もとっても良く作れてましたよ~~~!!



First one was one of the 'Kyogen' call The Deva King!

This play begins with a man who has fallen on hard times (by gambling), He decides to leave the city in which he lives and try his luck in a far away country. Before he leaves however, he goes to visit his friend. While the man and his friend are talking they come up with a plan to get the man some money. The man will mimic a stature of the god NIO so people will come and give him offerings, This greedy plan works well. They try a second time and people came and gave him offerings again. A man who came for praying touched the foot of NIO. NIO was tickled and couldn't help moving. Then everybody knew he was not real NIO!!!

After that, Obasute, Gargoyle, Komachi and the Hundred Nights, The Literate Highwayman, Taniko(The valley Rite), The ink- Smeared Lady and Nishikigi.





Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day11 CSA Farm visit and helping farmers! 11日目CSAファーム訪問とお別れ

This is the last day of activities with Tomoko:(
We visited one of the CSA farms, Jillian and Adam's family farm! (Small family farm CSA). They are from a younger generation then most farmers. last year they bought the farm and started a CSA from scratch. Jillian worked on 5-6 different farms before and finally she got her own farm! They look so happy to be out doors working on their farm together. They are such lovely people. We became a member of their CSA this year so we will have fresh delicious vegetable from them every week for the whole season!
This is a portable chicken hut made by Adam!!! This is neat! Chickens make good soil and because this is portable, they don't have to carry chicken manure.
They use pigs too like the organic apple farm we visited earlier. Jillian used to work at the apple farm so she learned this secret from them!!
This is their new greenhouse!! Jillian says the best way to learn about vegetable farming is to work at a greenhouse !
Then we transplanted celery. We will have this in our CSA box later this year when it is harvest time! Tomoko, we will have the celery you helped to plant, thanks!
Tomoko invited us for YOGA! Oh it was good! We need stretching everyday,,,,.especially Clovis!
Then Tomoko also invited us for good-bye dinner. We went to Local cafe 'the Driftless cafe' They had a Folk music band and many people were dancing!
The Dliftless cafe has a lot of nice food. They use organic local ingredients as much as possible, even the owners grow most of the veggies in their own garden!

Thank you so much Tomoko, We will miss you very much....... but you gave us a lot of power and we will never forget the precious memories we made together!!
Please come back someday!!!!!

Day 10 Noh play rehearsal and Jam/Pie making 能リハーサル見学とパイ/ジャム作り

Today we visited the high school to see their Noh play rehearsal! 'Noh',,,,sounds very difficult! Are they going to preform in Japanese or English????!!!!
It was in English. Nishikigi, Onigawara, Obasuteyama,,,,,,,,, I think I saw in my Japanese text book but ,,,,,don't remember so much,,,,. As we were guessing, the teacher asked us some questions!!! Tomoko has a lot of knowledge for all genre so she answered the question just like that!
All the student gathered around her and she explained to them a little bit about Japanese traditional stories and the students listened very closely!
They have only a few days till opening night! You can do it!!

Then we went to Sofia's for Jam and Pie making. She teaches Jam making, sourdough baking and so on at folk school in this area. We picked some rhubarb stalks from the garden for both Jam and Pie. you can make jams from Grapes and rhubarb without adding Pectin because contain natural thickeners that work the same.

ルバーブはウィスコンシンでベリー系のシーズンが始まる少し前にとれるもので、唯一パイに使えるもので、この時期は過程でルバーブを使ったお菓子を作る人が多い。カフェにもルバーブパイが並びます!この先フルーツのシーズンになれば、ますますパイが楽しみです! Rhubarb is the first thing we can use for Pies in Wisconsin so this season, many people bake Rhubarb pie and also you can enjoy at the cafes too!
It will be fruit and berry season soon so we can have lots of pies!! I can't wait!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Memorial Day & Mississipi River 9日目メモリアルデーとミシシッピリバー

May 26th is Memorial day. It's public holiday hear in the USA! People enjoy boating and BBQing so we went for Mississippi exploring!!
Mississippi is the "mile wide river", but if you go see it you will rarely see a crosse due to all of it's islands and channels. you'll also find small towns scatterd up and down the banks.

その中のひとつのTrempealeau という原住民インディアン達のマウンドがある近くに Trempealeauホテルがあり、ここはウォールナッツバーガーの有名なホテル。ともこさんと3人で今日もまたお天気の中早速まずは腹ごしらえ!
One of the small towns is called Trempealeau which has some Indian mounds. There is the Trempealeau Hotel which is famous for Walnuts burger. Of course we eat some!
It looks like the same as normal hamburger but instead of meat it has walnuts, bread crumble, eggs, and herbs etc.... but recipe is secret.
After we ate, we hiked at the state park Trempealeau and saw Mississippi from the top of the hill! Mississippi has such a looooooooooong history and is one of the most important river in the USA!
After the hiking, we visited Cedarose (Our sister ) and had a Trout BBQ! How yummy!! We tried BBQed Cheese curds too. It was just delicious! smoky flavor and melted cheese! We defiantly will eat this again!
Then we did canoeing and kayaking in the sunset Mississippi! Sunset makes such a beautiful view it's just like in a picture!! When we are returning to the start point, we saw beaver on a land!!! I never seen a hole body of beaver. Last time I saw it, it was in the water but not on a land!!!! It was only 3m away from us!!! As soon as he looked us, he jumped into the water.
After everything, we had dessert inside after dark.
Time past so quickly!!!!!