5月はあれよあれよという間にあっという間にもう残すところ2日、、、。ガーデンの準備に、6月から始まるツアーの準備、そして急に決まったコロラドへの訪問ブログもご無沙汰になりました、、、少しずつ更新しようと思います!Wow it's already the end of May,,,, We have been so busy gardening, preparing for the little country school and we went to Colorado to visit our Grandparents. The trip to colorado was a last minutes decision.

Our Grandma and Grandpa where going to move to Wisconsin this month but Grandma got sick and had to postpone their plan. We decided to take Finn to Colorado to cheer up Grandma. We drove all way to Denver, 18 hours of driving! Driving with a baby is not so easy but

Look! It was worth it! Grandma was in the hospital but when we arrived she came home and hung out with Finn! Finn even got to sit in his great grandma's lap some!

みんなでテーブルを囲むとご飯もおいしいね!病院では殆ど食べられなかったおばあちゃんも、スーパーダイエティシャンのママジェーンが作るお料理を口にする事ができた!フィンは引き続きエンターテイメントの役割を果たす。We had such nice meals everyday. Grandma couldn't eat in a hospital but super dietitian Mama Jane made her some meals she couldn't resist! And she enjoyed the company at the table! Especially,,,,, FINN. Babies brings so much happiness!!

His favorite toy is a John Deer tractor. While we were driving, he saw so many trucks and he was so excited. Grandma heard about it and gave him a toy truck!

デンバーも5月だというのに雪が降ったり、そうかと思うと半袖で過ごせるぐらいの心地よい日になったり。みんながまだまだ続く荷物の整理をしている間にフィンはお家の周りをワゴンライド。おばあちゃん、元気になってね。We had snow and sun shine all in the same day, It's crazy! While Clovis, Mama Jane and Grandpa where working on packing, Finn had a wagon ride!! We really hope Grandma gets better and moves to Wisconsin soon!!!
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