荷造りが続く間を縫って、デンバーから4時間ほどドライブしたマーブルに住むクロービスのお兄さん達のお家へ。夜到着して朝起きてみると、、、。We also went to Marble to visit Hawkins, Crissy and Ellamae, who was just born in April.

うわ~~~~い!!山がとっても素敵!あれ?ブランコに乗ってるのは???We arrived at night and the next morning,,,, it's a nice view!! ??? Who are they?

仲良しブラザーズ!The brothers!!

毎回来るごとにリフォームが進む彼らのお家。素敵~ They have been fixing up their house a lot! Every time we visit them, their house as something new! It's such a beautiful house!

フィンもにっこり! Finn looks happy!

さて、今回の一番の目的は、4月12日に誕生したエラメイとのご対面!うわ~~~かわい~~~!Here she is!

なんだか笑ってるみたい!Miss Ellamae Marie Siemon! Is she smiling?!

そぉっとなぜなぜしてあげてね~ こうしてみるとフィンはでかい!(エラメイ1か月フィン10カ月半。) Be gentle please!! Wow Finn is big compare to Ellamae!!

川の近くでピクニック。We had a little picnic by the River.

パパと娘。Dad and daughter,

パパと息子。Dad and son.

コロラドのお友達も呼んでくれてみんなで久し振りにワイワイ!They invited some mutual friends over and we had great time together!

始めて見るビデオゲーム。フィン、興味津々!Finn saw a video game for the first time. he seems very interested.

Since we were in Marble, we bought a piece of Marble for our kitchen in the future. I can't wait to make a bread kneading table out of it!!
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