今日は日本への募金活動で50万円相当を集めたというアシュリンちゃんとその家族が遊びに来てくれました。アシュリンちゃんのママが私たちのチャリティーイベントの事を他の人から聞いて、Facebookを通して私に連絡をくれ、早速会いに来てくれたなんて、とっても嬉しい限りです!日本からは遠いウィスコンシン州のほんの一部の地域でもたくさんの募金が集まっています!We had a cute guests today. Ashlyn(11) who lives in La Crosse raised $6671 for Japan. Her mom Laurie heard about our fundraising event from her friend and then found us through Facebook. We got to meet the whole family today!
【シカゴ時事】米中西部ウィスコンシン州のラクロスに住む小学5年生アシュリン・ニーダーさん(11)が、東日本大震災に見舞われた被災者を支援しよう と、地元で募金活動を続けている。住民への戸別訪問などを通じた地道な取り組みで、募金額は6671ドル(約54万円)に到達。一人の少女の思いやりが地 域の共感を呼び、善意の募金が集まった。
ニーダーさんは震災の映像に衝撃を受け、日本人のために支援活動を決意した。まず自分の15ドルの貯金をはたき、両親、親戚に寄付を訴えた後、近所を戸別 訪問。「(近所の人がほとんど不在で)5ドルしか寄付が集まらない日もあった」というが、日本の友人との記念写真が貼られた募金箱を手に、くじけず活動を 続けた。
Ashlyn and family visited Japan (Ishikawa prefecture) to take part in a theater play. She made some friends and she still keeps in contact with them. She said Japan is a beautiful country and people are so kind. She saw all the destruction in Japan on the news and she was so sad. She wanted to help, so she donated all the money she had ($15) and she asked her parents to help too. Then She went door to door asking for donation to help Japan. Sometimes she got only $5 a day, but she kept going around day after day holding a jar that has her Japanese friend's photo on it. The Local TV and radio found out about what she was doing and brodcast her efforts and good intentions. Then more and more people knew about it and started sending money, sometimes people sent a check for as much as $1000. She raised $6,671!! Thank you so much Ashlyn and her community!!
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