ビロクアの町で外国人を見かける機会はとっても少ない。そんな中、今日はインターナショナルフレンドランチに招待してもらいました!中国とルーマニアからのお友達。今日のホストは中国人のジンさんです。チャイナ服もとっても素敵!We don't see so many foreigners here in Viroqua but we are here! Today we had an international club get together at Jun's house. She invited us for Chinese lunch. 2 Chinese women, a Romanian woman, a Japanese woman (me) and a half American half Japanese baby named Finn (my son) !

色々なお料理がプレートに並ぶ!どれも味付けがとってもおいし~~! もやしも種類をこだわるジンさん。最近好みのものが見つかったそうです。歯ごたえバッチリのもやし!なかなか手に入らないんだよね~この辺では。Looks great! I love to have little bit of everything on my plate! Jun said she found her favorite kind of bean sprouts! The texture was perfect! It is hard to find these kinds of sprouts around here.

餃子の皮も手作り!She made the dumpling from scratch!

サラダはジンさん達のグリーンハウスで育ったもの!And the salad was from her green house!

こんなにお土産頂いちゃいました!ホウレンソウやラディッシュを見ると春だな~と実感します!She gave us fresh vegetables to take home! That night Clovis also enjoyed them! Radishes and spinach makes us feel like it's SPRING!!

They have a beautiful property! Wild Ducks come to get some food everyday! We had a lot of fun! Next time will be a Romanian lunch!! I can't wait!! Finn seemed so happy with all the ladies and animals!!
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