夏も終わりに近づくレイバーデーの週末。夕暮れ時のもっとも平和を感じるこの一時。この最高なロケーションで更にハッピーを味わった。It's the end of the summer, Labor's day weekend!
A peaceful moment on the Mississippi a sunset.

ママJaneが15時間もかけて作ってくれた愛情たっぷりのウェディングケーキ。丸い三段のケーキの一番上を冷凍して通常は1年目のアニバーサリーに食べる。Mom Jane made our wedding cake. It is full of love, she spent over 15 hours making them. She kept the top of the round cake in the freezer for us to enjoy on our one year anniversary. But we forgot,,,,,,, I mean we forgot to eat the cake on our real anniversary which was just one and half month after the wedding party in Wisconsin.

ジャーン!きれいに保存されてました!たいていは1年後に食べるので見た目は良くてもお味が、、、、と聞く。Tara~~~~~~~~! It still looks great! Usually the cake at the one year
anniversary mark is a bit funny
tasteing, because of it's extended stay in the freezer for the whole year but,,,,

お!中身もラズベリーのソースがきれいに層をなす。Oh, inside also looks nice with raspberry sauce!

最高のロケーション!It is a perfect location for us!お味も変わらず最高!It
taste yummy still too!!

Above all, it was just great to share this moment with our friends! Life is good!
Kampa~~~~i! (Cheers! in Japanese)
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