プロジェクトの詳細はこちらを more detail ;
A friend of mine Taichi who I met in Exmouth (Australia) is started an interesting project called 'hito20'. you can check it out on their blog at; http://ameblo.jp/hitomoji20/entry-10332636195.html
hito is human/people in Japanese. Many of you might know that we have three kinds of written symbols in Japanese. The scripts called Hiraganaひらがな/Katakanaカタカナ and Kanji漢字. Kanji originated in ancient China and they are ideograms which show ideas and sounds. Anyway, the Kanji hito is like this ⇒人 Don't you think it looks two people supporting each other??!! So now you can imagine what they are trying to do! They want people to believe in each other and support each other. Shawn is really tall and I am very small, so we tried to put our shoulders but look! I'm using my head instead of shoulder!!

How about this?! Taichi said shoulder and shoulder or head and shoulder could be evan better.
しか~し、ウィスコンシンの人達が初の海外からの参加となった!If you look on their web, it says Tokyo, Paris, NY and London,,,,,, where is WISCONSIN!!!!!!!!!!

Julia who has just got married in August and her best friend Cedarose. They have been supporting each other since they were little girls!

ちなみにこのプロジェクトがテレビにデビューすることになったとの報告!http://ameblo.jp/sports-factory/entry-10335110319.html 楽しみですね~~~ウィスコンシンでも見たいな~~~~~でもどうやって、、、、、、。

3 people??!! Clovis,,,,,, I am not sure if you are supporting them or intruding??!
You can join in this project by sending photos of you and your friends, families, lovers etc. making 人 to them. the e-mail address is ; hitomoji20@gmail.com
This project will be on TV in Japan! It's will be in the news paper too! http://ameblo.jp/sports-factory/entry-10335731886.html
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