completed our 2-week program
'English & Country Life Course'. Today she is moving to Madison. It was only 2 weeks but it was jammed packed full of fun and adventures that we shared. now we feel so
Close to Naomi so it was an emotional good bye.

ウィスコンシンの母と娘!牛小屋に青空、そして辺り一面のグリーンはまさにウィスコンシ~ン!!やっぱりお別れの時は、ポロリと涙が、、、、。スティーブンもメアリーも尚美さんが家族の一員になってくれたこの2週間、いろんな事を一緒に経験して楽しく過ごされました。そして尚美さんも最高のホストファミリーだと言っていました!人と人の巡り合い。素敵です。別れは寂しいけど、またいつか会える日に向かって、楽しみが増えますね!They look like a Wisconsin Mother Mary and daughter with the Barn, blue sky and green grass! that's Wisconsin for ya! They said good bye to each other with tears in their eyes,,,,. Steven and Mary said they had a wonderful time hosting Naomi and Naomi said they are the best
host family ever! Meeting nice people is such a great thing. It is sad to say good bye, but we are also excited to see each other again
one day! Now we are friends!

さて、車で走る事約2時間ちょっと。だんだん車も増えてきて、たどり着いたところは州都のマディソンマディソンはこの州議事堂を中心に、周りは二つの湖に囲まれた素敵な街。ウィスコンシンの政治の中心、そして学生の街です!毎週土曜日には、アメリカ最大規模のファーマーズマーケットがあります!尚美さんの通う語学学校はこの州議事堂のすぐ目の前!We left Mary's and
drove about 2 hours. the traffic got heavier and then we realized.......Oh, we are coming to the City!!! We arrived in Madison. Madison has a beautiful Capital and 2 lakes that pinches the city between them. Every Saturday between spring and fall there is a big farmer's market. It is probably one of the biggest one in the U.S.A! Naomi's school is just a cross the road from the Capital!

寮に付くと、同じく今日到着したアフリカのアイボリーコースト(コートジボアール)から来たジャッキーがすでにお部屋に。彼女が尚美さんのルームメイト!新しい出会いが!寮には、生徒さん達のコミュニティールームや、外にテーブルやいすが置いてあるスペースがあり、お部屋もきれい!尚美さん、ちょっとドキドキやけど、少しずつ無理せず、都市の生活に慣れていってね!いろんなレストランも、お店もあるし、たくさんのお友達が学校で待っているはず!明日はレベル分けテストだね!尚美さ~~ん、リラ~~クス リラ~~クス!She will live here at a student dorm for four weeks. When we arrived we met her room mate Jacky who from the Ivory Coast(Africa)! The student apartments are clean and they have a community room and outside space too! Naomi looked bit nervous in a new place but I'm sure she will adjust fine! There are a lot of nice restaurants and shops around and she will make lots of friends at school! Tomorrow she will take a placement test. Naomi~~~~~ relax you'll be OK??!!

http://springflavor.blog.drecom.jp/ よろしければ清き一票を↓ ご愛読ありがとうございます。

We left Madison. Clovis suggested we go for hiking on the way home but I wasn't feeling right. I shouldn't be so worried, but I was thinking about Naomi like a mom thinks about her child. so we decided to go home straight. I am the one can't relax!!!! Come on~~~
Keiko~~~~! We had Japanese dinner and drank the sake that Naomi gave us!! It was wonderful time with Naomi. We will miss you more and more,,,,. But one day, we will see each other again!!!
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