The Little Country School will have a new program where you can have both American urban life and country life experiences while
studying English. To
research for the new program, we visited a Language school in Madison called
WESLI! I used to visit a lot of language schools in Australia but it was my first time to visit an American one! From
Viroqua, it is about 2-hour driving. Let's go to Madison!!

The city of Madison is so beautiful. There are 2 big lakes around the city and lots of cafes, restaurants, and shops around the capital. I like the combinations here in Madison! Also Madison has an
extremely academic environment with their public
university being rated as the best in the country. Lots of students come here to study.

無事到着!キャピタルがまさに目の前のこのロケーション。生徒さん達の自転車もちらほら。そして、バス停も目の前!うわ~~都会に来た~~~~!It was nice and smooth driving. Finally we arrived at
WESLI. It is located right in front of the Capital!! A bus stop is out the front door just too! Wow~~~ I feel I am in a CITY!!!!

Dan from
WESLI gave us a tour! The building is one of the oldest in
Madison, you can still see the old style of walls and
architecture! Wow~we were already excited!

Dan arranged a couple of class for us to observe!
Clovis and I each saw two different levels of classes for 50 minute. So we could see 4 different classes!
WESLI has wonderful teachers. Most of them have been teaching at
WESLI for a very long time. Most of them have also
taught abroad. Some of them even speak other languages too, so that if you have a problem and need language help, they will help you! I think it is very nice to have staff who can understand how we feel when we are in a different country.

The classes them
selves are impressively high quality. Teacher gets student's attention so easily and every student seemed to be enjoying them selves. They teach by mouth, eyes, ears and whole body. It is very different from when you study by yourself or a class which just follow a text book. It's fun! We also had an opportunity to meet some Japanese students to hear what they think about the school and their life in Madison! They where very happy and they loved Wisconsin too! One of them said that she had been bit nervous before she arrived because she heard that there is not so many Japanese around. But all the nice people here at
WESLI and in Wisconsin have made her very
comfortable here.
WESLI introduces their students to language partner so you will have chance to meet local people who are interested in your language too! They also have 2 hours extra conversation class per week for free!

Then we went to see their dormitory which is right in the City only 2 minutes walk from the school and Capital! It's so convenient and clean! The picture above is students common room. Their dorms have a
Central kitchen and living room with two twin rooms around it. 4 people share. It would be fun to live with other students too!

ハロウィーンという事もあり、所所のお部屋のドアには、'Warning This House is Haunted '’ 警告 このハウスは呪われている’というシールも張ってありました!今晩から週末にかけて、マディソンはハロウィーンパーティーで町全体お祭り騒ぎ!!先生達も今日は仮装している人たちがいっぱい。今日一日の訪問は本当に有意義でした!こんなマディソンでの英語の勉強とアメリカでの都市型生活、そして私達のザリトルカントリースクールでのアメリカの田舎体験を自由に組み合わせたプログラムはいかがですか?!近々ウェブサイトにもアップデートいたしま~~す!もちろんメールでのお問い合わせもいつでもお待ちしております!!
It was
Halloween day. You can see 'Warning This House is Haunted' on the door!! Many people come to Madison for the
Halloween party over the weekend! Many of the teachers were
wearing funny
costume today too! We had a great time at
WESLI today and I am so excited about starting our new program with them! The
detail for the new program will be updated soon! Of course you are always welcome to ask us any questions!

さて、帰り道によったのは、あの夏にロッククライミングキャンプをしたデビルスレイク!まだまだ紅葉きれいでした!On the way home, we stopped by at Devils lake. the trees still have great colors here!

Wisconsin is such a great place to visit and live!!