'Minnesota Series' Our neighbor Minnesota has the beautiful twin Cities, Minnesota and St.Paul. The cities have a lot of shops and restaurants but also beautiful nature views including the Mississippi! Today we visited St.Paul for our new program research! We left 6am and got there around 9am. it was only a 3 hour drive!!

ミネソタ州といえば、スヌーピーの生みの親、 リチャード・シュルツ(Charles M. Schulz)の生まれ故郷。彼の生まれたセントポール(St. Paul)と、 その双子の都市ミネアポリス(Minneapolis)にはスヌーピー関連の像がいたるところに 置いてあるんです!じゃじゃ~~ん!スヌーピー発見! Minnesota is famous for snoopy. The author Mr. Charles M. Schulz was born in St. Paul. You can see satacues of the character around the cities! We found one!

What's this ???? It says cave........... It used to be an American gangster's hideout!http://www.wabashastreetcaves.com/

おっと、パトカーも2台もとまっている!何が起こっているの?私達はこのお隣のベルギーワッフルのカフェがお目当てだったのでとりあえずカフェへと向かった。I see the police are here!!! By the way originally we stopped here for Belgian Waffles. Let's go to the cafe next to the cave!

おっと~中には3人のお巡りさんが朝食?を楽しんでいた!!ホッ!というか、アメリカミッドウェスト(中西部)らしいな~と思った。やっぱりNYやロスとは違うな~。あの洞窟はギャングスターツアーを体験できるそうだ。そういえば最近’アメリカンギャングスター’という映画をDVDで見たけど、すごかった。実話に基づくから尚すごい。I see~~~~~ 3 police officers were enjoying their breakfast!! I don't think any thing serious was happen here in St.Paul!! It's not NY or LA!! Have you seen the movie 'American Gangster' yet? It was very good!

The Waffle was awesome!! Now we are going to visit a language school in St.Paul!!
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