We visited our friends in Minnesota a couple of weeks ago. the day was cold and we even saw a few snow flakes, that's unusual before Halloween!!!! We
crossed the bridge over the
Mississippi so now we are in Minnesota! Oh the view is very nice! there are
picnic table on the top of the hill. We might use this overlook for next summers tours!!
We could have a picnic at the lookout and
cruise on the Mississippi!! Sounds great! After a couple of hours driving, we arrived at their house!!

早速ウッドストーブで温まって Oh wood stove!!!! I love it!

じゃ~~ん!パティは後数週間で赤ちゃんを産みます!いや~~~すごく元気に動いてる!Patti will have baby very soon!!! Oh the baby is moving a lot!

彼女達のウェディングは自分たちのお庭でのガーデンウェディングでした! They had their wedding in their country garden.

Mattias's mom is Swedish and dad is American. Patti is from St.
Vincenz. So both of their moms cooked for their wedding! It was
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo delicious!!! I loved every single dish!

マティアスのお母さんのマリーは、ゾーンセラピーの仕事をしながら、ファームハウスを改造してB&B(洋風民宿)を営んでいます。マティアスはシェフなので、お料理教室なども開きます!今日はマリーがブラというスウェーデンのスウィートパンを焼いてくれました。Marie is zone therapist and Matias is a chef. They run B&B here in Minnesota! Sometimes Mattias does cooking classes! Today, Marie baked
Swedish sweet roll

う~~~焼きたての匂いがたまりません。シナモン、アップル、そしてアーモンドスライスが入っております。Oh~~~~~~~~~ can you
smell it??!! It has
Cinnamon, apple and almond slice!

Mattias made BBQ pork with Ginger and
peanut butter sauce. It's just lovely!! Marie also made Raspberry juice from their Raspberry. (She
condensed it).

Strong drinks from

Swedish china etc,,,,, They put on such a wonderful B&B!
The USA's Midwest area has such beautiful things!! Nice people, great nature, safe and relaxing!!
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