アンティグアに着きまたまたホテル探し。バスはマーケットの近くに泊まるので、そこから歩いて町へ。サンペドロに行くときにバスを乗り継いだ旅行代理店Onvisa Travel Agency に併設のホステルがあったので、そこに泊まることにした。ミニキッチンがあって、哺乳瓶も洗えるし、ミネラルウォーターの提供も無制限。なかなか快適です。お部屋にはベットが3つも。個室バスルーム共同で1泊Q120($15)。ツアーデスクもすぐそこで、旅のアレンジも簡単なのでお勧め。
Onvisa Travel Agency
Tel 5909-0160
Add 6a Calle Poniente 40
Something is happening at the church! Well it was bit hard time for us here in Chichi market as Clovis had food poison but for sure it is a great market!! Well we were going to Nebaj next but we changed our mind. We wanted to go somewhere bigger city that has access to a hospital that has English speaker even we were not planning on going to a hospital. It just made us feel safer somehow at that time so we decided to go to Antigua instead. We took a chicken bus to Chimaltenango@35 and took another bus to Antigua. Q5 Though it was bit hard time for us while we were staying in Chichi since Clovis got sick but for sure, if you are big fun of Markets, this is worth trip!

There are a lot of restaurant in Antigua. Since Clovis had have been sick, we got LasagnaQ55. Cheese saved him. And Finn loved it too. Rainbow cafe where we had dinner has live from 8PM most of the nights!
Pick Pocket
Most of the time during traveling in Guatemala, we felt quite safe but when I took a chicken bus from Chimaltenango to Antigua, the seat was for 2 people but sometimes when it is crowded people squeeze and 3 people can sit maximum. One guy tried to sit next me even more seat available and started chatting with a lady near him so I thought they are friends. I had some bad feeling with this guy but well I just ignored my feeling. I just noticed my bag was half open one point but since my bag is bit old and the fastener was half broken so I just closed. about 20 minutes later, I had really bad feeling again.His jacket was cover over one of my leg and his I was getting more suspicious about this guy and peaked under the jacket. I saw the guys hand was in my bag!!!!! Wow it is real! 'What are you doing??!!' He said 'No no no!!' What's NO??!!This is unmistakable!!! Then Clovis told the guy to get off the bus. Then the guy jump off from the bus even the bus was running. The Guatemalan people around us was saying 'Con bebe??!! No credo!!!!'Well I would say we just need to be careful... it is the same as anywhere not only Guatemala. I still like Guatemala though.
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