1/17。朝はにわとり達とハローモンキーというジャングルに住むお猿さんの声が響き渡る。ハローモンキーの声はまるでジェラシックパークにいるような感じ。昨日は暗くてあまりわからなかったけど、ホテルは水に囲まれて緑あふれるとっても素敵なところ。1/17, when we work up in the morning, we were hearing the sounds of roosters and hollow monkeys! Hollow monkeys makes really funny/scary sounds. it sounded like we woke Jurassic Park! The Hotel Kangaroo is surrounded by water and jungle!
オー ナーのパートナーがメキシコの人なので、ホテルにはメキシカンレストランが併設。今日の朝食はTipicoQ35(約$4)。エスプレッソはQ15、イン スタントコーヒーはQ8と、こういった観光地での食事は少々高め。グアテマラの人たちは朝からパンの代わりにトウモロコシのトルティーヤを食べるみたいだ けど、今日はトーストで。真中のフリッフォーレス(豆の焚いたもので塩味。甘くない)はほとんどの食事についてくる。The Hotel has a Mexican restaurant. We had 'Tipico' Q35 which is eggs, beans, toast (usually Guatemalans have Tortillas instead) and some fruits. Espresso is Q15, instant coffee is @8. Of course resorts or tourist hotels have higher prices.

犬が怖いくせして触りたがるフィン。Since we don't have any pets, Finn hasn't figured out what to do with a doggy besides bother him.

今日はのんびり一日過ごすのが一番の目的。オーナーが近くの公園とお城に行くことをお勧めしてくれたので、ホテルが無料で貸してくれるカヌーでいざクルーズ!Today is our relax day. The owner of the Hotel recommended that we go to a park and castle near by. We decided to kayak to there! (The hotel let us use their Kayak for free!)

公園に到着。お土産屋さんが1件。とっても静かな公園で地元の人たちはBBQをしたり泳いだり。We arrived at the park safely. There is a gift shop and restaurant. Local people were doing BBQ and swimming.

さ、キャッスルに行ってみよう!Let's have a look at the castle!

Torreon de Bustamante入場料Q20(約$2.5)スペインとグアテマラの貿易が始まり、貿易ルートを守るために16世紀に作られ、17世紀には牢屋として使用される。Turreon de Bustamante Q20 when Spain and Guatemala started trade, they made the castle for defending off pirates in 16 century and they used it as a prison in 17 century.

敵が来たーーーー!!Enemies are coming!!!!

扉をあけろーーーー!Open the door!!!!

キャッスルの中は狭く、暗く、迷路みたいで、フィンは思った以上に大興奮!The castle is like a maze. we enjoyed it more than we thought, especially our little son!

さ、ランチタイム!ファフィータスQ50。鶏肉とお野菜のトマトソース炒めともちろんコーントルティーヤ。Lunch time! We had fajitas!

さ、ホテルに戻って、ジャグジー!Rio Dulceはほとんど蒸し暑い日々が続くので、ジャクジーは冷たいお水。ひーーーつめたーーーい。1月2月は冷たいお水に入るのはちょっと寒いかなーっていう感じの気候なので足だけつかりました。奥に見えてるプライベートキャビンが私たちのお部屋。1泊Q220(約$30)。Rio Dulce の町まではボートで5分。朝の8時半のボート以外は有料で1回Q20(約2.5ドル)夜7時を過ぎるとQ50となるので、泊まっている人はほとんどこのホテルのレストランで食事をするような感じ。Then we came back to the Hotel and soaked our feet in the jacuzzi which is a cold plunge pool. It is mostly hot and humid here in Rio Dulce but this time of the year, it is bit cold to soak our whole body. The cabin you see in the photo is where we stayed. It was bit away from other rooms and nice and quiet. Especially Finn cried the first night in Guatemala quite a bit, but we didn't have to worry about keeping any one up due to our great private cabin. The private cabin is Q220(about $30). To get to the town of Rio Dulce cost Q20 by boat and after 7PM will be Q50 so most people eat at this Hotel which is not too badly priced and taste great.

ダブルベットとシャワー、トイレ付。旅の初めで寝床が変わって夜泣くことが多かったフィンだったので他の人たちのお部屋とは離れていたこのキャビンはまさにぴったりのお部屋でした。The cabin is quite simple. The owner built by him self. He traveled around central America to find a place, he picked Rio Dulce as his favorite! I think it is a great place to enjoy nature.
さ、夕方にカヌーで今度はホテルの周りのネイチャー散策!RioDulceの町自体は通りにお店が並び、車がたくさん通り、ちょっとうるさいけど、ちょっと離れるだけでこんなに素敵な大自然。In the evening, we took another kayak trip around the Hotel. The back waters of the Rio Dulce area are so beautiful! The town of Rio Dulce is a bit noisy and busy but only a couple of minute away by boat and life is quite and chilled! If you go to Rio Dulce, we highly recommended that you stay away from the hotels in town!!

フィンは7時ぐらいにはもうぐっすり。さすがに疲れたんだね、、、。明日はリビングストンの町へボートトリップに出かけるぞーーー!Dinner time!! Since it is a Mexican restaurant (which is foreign in Guatemala), we choose a mixed plate! Mole Poblano, Encacahuatado(Pork with Peanuts sauce) Pollo en pasilla(Spicy brown sauce but not too hot),Enchilada green sauce, rice, beans, Guacamole. Everything was delicious! (Q80 about $10)
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