さて、いよいよハレアカラ山に向かいます!今日はクレーターを見るだけではなく、何とサイクリングで下山に挑戦!OK everyone, are you ready??!! Today it's not only seeing
the Crater but also riding a bike down from Haleakala.

残念、妊婦はこれだけは参加できなかった、、、、。このお兄さんも残念そう。We are pregnant..... so ,,,,, we can't join the biking,,,.

腹が減っては戦はできぬ~~~~ Get power!!

Keiko is playing with a wild rooster! She looks ready for biking with no fear!

お天気もバッチリ!クレーターもほ~んときれいに見えてました!Nice weather again!
Crater was so clear!

標高3055m。もうすっかり雲は私たちの下。 ここらで行っときますか!恒例の Well, we are above the clouds. I think we are ready for this!!

Clovis Ju~~~~mp!!

Chie ju---mp!

武ちゃんマ~~~ン Take-
chan looks superman!!

Keiko, are you holding

さとこさんも続く!Go Go
Satoko !!

よしこさ~ん、だれか投げたの? Yoshiko~~~~did you through somebody??

まちこさん 死にそうなお顔。
Machiko, it's not the end of the world!!

こちら余裕で天を舞う裕子さん Ballerina
Yuko in the sky!Well done everyone!

さ~て、次はいよいよ自転車ですよ~~~!ハレアカラ山の山頂は3055m。ここから自転車はあまりにも酸素が薄く、危険なので少し下ったところから出 発。biking from the summit is really dangerous as it is 10,000ft. We went down in a car little bit to a lower elevation, now it's time for biking!!

みなさん準備はいいですか~~~Are you ready?? Some of them hadn't rode bike for
loooooong time.

まずまず順調そう!Looks great everyone!!

途中で見える景色は最高です!Nice view!!

もうお一人の世界!誰にも邪魔されずに自然を満喫!You can be in your own world peacefully enjoying the nature!

スタート地点に全員無事帰ってこれました!!よくやった~~~~!満足感にひたってくださ~い!Well done everyone. I am so proud of you guys!!!

Do you want to do windsurfing next??!!
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