6月20日は日が一番長い日。この日を境に日中時間が折り返し短くなる。まだまだ夏が始まったこのウィスコンシン周辺は、そろそろ気候も安定し、アウトドアの季節真っ盛り。毎年恒例のミネソタ州(ウィスコンシンより)にBee Creek Resortで行われるBBQ,キャンプのイベントへ参加することに!絶好の天気の中田園風景を見ながらドライブ!いやはや、このミシシッピ川をはさんだウィスコンシン南西部、ミネソタ南東部は、ほんとうに緑と青空がきれい!
June 20
th is the longest day of the year. Summer has just started in Wisconsin!
Temperature have been quite nice and stable. It's outdoor activities season!
Bee Creek Resort
http://www.beecreekresort.com/ has a party every year. It's
a camp out party! We drove through the country side to get there and it was absolutely beautiful! This part of Wisconsin and Minnesota is full of green hills and blue skies, it's a great combination!

おっと、いきなり渋滞?!ウィスコンシンで???あ~一番前に走っているのは、ホーストレイラー(馬を運ぶワゴン)をつけたトラックでした。馬のトレーラーか農業トラクター、アーミッシュのバギーかこのくらいしか渋滞になりっこないか!!Oh we got stuck in the
traffic jam?? No no~~~~~~~~ look at the tracktor at front! It has a silage box on back! In this area
traffic jams are only caused by Amish buggy's,
tractors or construction! never from too many cars.

おっと!石炭を運ぶ列車!アメリカ南北を走るこの長距離列車。田舎の風景とまた一段とお似合いで!Look! It's a coal carrying train from way down south!

2時間弱でようやく到着したころにはすでにディナーも並んでいました!メンイは豚丸ごと一匹のBBQでその他色々なお料理を皆が持ち寄るパットラックパーティー!Finally we arrived it took us less then 2 hours. They have been preparing a whole pig BBQ and everyone brought side dishes. Oh it looks great!

Oh Yummy! We had a lot of desert too. It's getting dark around 8:30 or 9 at the moment so we had dinner under the blue sky!!

夜はバンドを呼んでのライブとそして大きなファイヤ~!いよいよ点火です!At night, live music and fire time! Now we just started the fire!

Oh it is getting bigger and bigger. It reminds us of
NOZAWA Fire Festival in Japan!

Our tent is just by the fire! Lots of families came to join the party. The Kids enjoyed it lot too!

Cedarose who used to do fire dancing in Europe when she was traveling showed us her skills!! Wow it's amazing!!!!
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