前々からブログで紹介しているアーミッシュ。宗教革命時代にヨーロッパから宗教の自由を求めてアメリカカナダなどに移り住んできた彼ら。このウィスコンシンの中でも最も大きなアーミッシュコミュニティー’キャシュトン’エリアには、1966年以来多くのアーミッシュが移り住み今では約250ファミリーがいるそうだ。アメリカの中ではペンシルベニア辺りにも非常に多くのアーミッシュがいるが、ウィスコンシンのアーミッシュ達はOld Order Amishといわれ、中でも非常に厳しい規定を持ったアーミッシュ達らしい。町では馬のバギーを走らせている姿や、馬を使って畑を耕している現代の文明を拒否したもっともユニークといわれる生活スタイルを見られる。ビロクアのファーマーズマーケットには数件アーミッシュ達も参加している。とはいえ、まだまだ彼らにしか分からない謎だらけ。そんな中、私もこの町に住んで、彼らのファームにある小さな質素なお店でお買い物をしたりする際に少しずつだけれど学んでいる気がする。Amish who came from Europe during the Reformation. They moved to the 'Cashton' area in Wisconsin around 1966. There are about 250 Amish family around this area. The Amish in Wisconsin are Old Order Amish, which means they are one of the most strict. We see them quite often in town, riding their buggies or horse farming. They have one of the most unique cultures. They come and join our Viroqua Farmer's market too. It is great to see them selling their wonderful quilts, baskets, homemade jams, vegetables and so on. Of course they carry all the stuff to farmers market on their buggy. Yet, they are so mysterious. Since I have been living here near them I am slowly learning lots about them by visiting their little cute shops and buying their crafts!

They farm for a living and they are always together. Some Amish make buggies, furniture, wood crafts, run a bakery or train horses. Women make quilts, baskets, candy and other sweets. Their life is so simple but their families are bound to each other. This time, I bought the above stuff! The little cloth pin bag looks like a dress but it's not for me to wear, I am quite small but I'm not that small. It is a cloths pin bag for hanging up your wet cloths! Their candies are so sweet. Once you start, you can't stop!

ツアー@ http://thelittlecountryschool.com/jp
These Amish shops are for everyone even for tourists. Their shops are open between May and October. We are a big fan of the bakery that has delicious doughnuts! It was our first doughnuts in 2009. They came to Viroqua farmers market last year but this year they said they won't come. So we need to go to the bakery, 20 min by car. But this is also nice cause we get to visit them on there farm! This time we heard about their refrigerator. A Refrigerator??!! Is it only me wondering how they can have a refrigerator without electricity?! They built a special frame that has very good insulation and cut ice from a pond. Then they take the ice in the frame which we call an ice box. It will keep almost all year!!! Wow they are so smart and live a great life without modern technology! I bet if we all had a more simple life, we would appreciate more stuff in this world. It is so fun to know about them. Clothing, Schooling, how they find boyfriend and girlfriend, marriage, etc. I am hanging out our cloths using their little cloths pin bag today, it's a nice feeling! Why don't you come and experience the Amish culture here in South west Wisconsin!
Tours available at The Little Country School http://thelittlecountryschool.com
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