Turkey Ridge Organic Orchard's farmers are so tuned in and environmentally aware. They grow apples organically! This year the apples
blossomed a bit early, so we missed them but we saw a lot of little tiny baby apples on the trees! This year they let the orchard pollinate naturally with out the assistance of brought in bees, cause they want to make their orchard totally self dependent. plus they don't like to kill the bees, which is what you have to do in cold weather locations like Wisconsin. It is a kind of risky, but look the apple are growing with only the wind and the natural bus and bees as pollinators!

グレッグと奥さんのフィーは地元の高校でオーガニックの授業を受け持っている現役オーガニックファーマー。オーガニック栽培の基本は土。様々な要素を取り入れた肥えた土を準備できてこそオーガニック農法の成功へとつながるという。それは、もはや人間だけでは作りえない偉大なる自然の力がなくてはならないものであった。Greg and his wife Fey
teach Organic agriculture at the local public schools and they always say the key of the organic farming is the soil. Take care of your soil and it will take care of you!

土づくりから栽培に大きくかかわるのは実は動物。この他にも馬や豚、鳥等、多くの動物たちがこのアップルファームで働きます。羊の油から作られるハンドクリームなどがありますよね~。同じようにリンゴの木に彼らがなすりつけてくれる油はリンゴにも非常に良い効果があるという!なるほど~~~。この他にもたくさんの謎を語るグレッグ!かっこいい~~~!グレッグは実はオーガニックバレー(オーガニックファーム共同組合)の設立にも携わり、自然と人間の共存を日々研究し続けている。Animals are another key on the orchard, cause they make good soil by digging in it and fertilizing it. plus they eat
insects and mow the grass. Nature knows nature. Sheep have a great oil on their body and as they rub up against the trees it comes off onto the trees and makes them healthy! Ah~. Greg told us a lot of the keys to organic farming. He is one of the pioneers of Organic Valley too. Greg and Faye are always searching for ways to live in harmony with nature!

グレッグの果樹園Turkey Ridge Organic Orchardのオリジナル100%アップルサイダー。Pasteurize(低温殺菌)を施さないため本来のリンゴの味が変わらず味わえる!しかし、、、、、。政府から低温殺菌なしではお店に出すことはできないという指令が出て、、、、数年作り続けたこのオーガニックアップルサイダーも幻のものになってしまうのか、、、、、。これからは、このファームでしか買うことができなくなってしまう。ウィスコンシンまではるばるやってこられた際には是非是非お試しあれ~~~~です!これから夏に向けてリンゴもぐんぐん成長してくるのが楽しみです!They have such a great Apple Cider. 100% Organic unpasteurized cider. But this year,
government said that they can't sell without
pasteurization,,,,,, but you can get it still at
Turkey Ridge Organic Orchard!! shhhhhhh don't tell any one though. Oh I can't wait to see their apples all big and red at the end of the summer again!!

We made apple cider last year with our clients!
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