2009年ザリトルカントリースクールのツアーの幕開けです!5月21日しずかちゃんがラクロス空港へと到着!今回は特に食、文化、オーガニックを学びながら楽しい田舎生活を送りたいという静香ちゃん!早速ウィスコンシングッツを拝見!なかなか似合ってるよ静香ちゃん。チーズのちょうネクタイ!クロービス、それは、、、、ビール?チーズ?ウィスコンシンの人たちがいつもアメフトを見る時にかぶっている噂のチーズ帽子は売り切れてしまったようだ、、、。残念。The Little Country School started for 2009! Our client
Sizuka has just arrived at the La
Crosse Air Port! Of course we checked out some Wisconsin goods!
Sizuka looks nice in cheese tie! Clovis is it beer? or cheese?? We couldn't find the cheese hat that Wisconsin people ware for football tough,,,,

Shizuka checked the location of the farm that she is going to stay on google map. She said she saw nothing but green. Well, that's right! Green, Green, Green!

Meeting her host family!

早速卵を鶏小屋からゲット!They picked some eggs already!
We had a Welcome dinner all together!ウェルカムディナーに私達も仲間入りで静香ちゃんを迎えた!

Jane Mama prepared a lot of nice dishes with seasonal ingredient. Brown rice with Morel Mushrooms, Quiche with Asparagus and with Morel Mushrooms,
BBQ chicken and Vegetables! Morel Mushrooms are very hard to find but
taste so good!!!

This season they have Jillian's Sister and her boyfriend! It's going to be fun!! Tomorrow we will have one day farm to farmer's market experience!!
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