Farmer's market one day experience! We pick and pack vegetables then take them to Farmer's Market to sell. We have several Farmer's markets around this area. The one we went today is in La
Crosse. It is on Friday in the evening time, so people can enjoy the Mississippi and market in the golden light!

CSAファームとして営んでおり、週2回ほどファーマーズマーケットへ出店。リンは本当に朝から晩までファーム仕事。静香ちゃんも彼女の育てるオーガニックアスパラガスを早速試食!甘~~~~い!We visited
Lynwood Farm. Lynn has an acre of Asparagus and more space for other vegetables. It is small farm but she has a lot of stuff on her beautiful farm! She is a
CSA farmer as well and also goes to farmer's market twice a week. She works very hard. She
showed Shizuka around her farm and
Shizuka got to eat fresh asparagus. It was so sweet!!!!!

マーケットに出発までに収穫して摘みこまなければいけないので、急いで農作業に!まずはほうれん草を!西洋のほうれん草はフレッシュのままサラダで頂く事が多い。これが何とも新鮮でおいしい!春一番のお野菜。Well, we have to get ready before we go to the market. Now it is time to pick the vegetables! We picked spinach first. Winter Spinach is the first vegetable you can pick in the Spring!!

It is
planting time! We are selling lots of plants such as tomatoes, peppers,
eggplants, cabbages and so on.

この他にもルバーブや、その他ハーブなども摘み取っていよいよ積み込みです!Now we are loading the stuff in a van!

お野菜をかわいく並べて We set up our stand at the market and arranged the vegetable nicely.

お客さんが買ってくれる瞬間はとってもうれしい!It is great feeling when customer buy some stuff!

Shizuka said since she now knows what a great feeling it is to bring your vegetable to market and connect with the clients directly, She wants to grow her own vegetable from seed and bring them to market! So tomorrow we will plant The Little Country School's Garden together!
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