Today I went to my family farm for dinner, the yard at our house is always like a parking lot cause my family is very inclusive and likes to invite every one over. Welcome!

We ate wild Stinging Nettles that grow in the yard naturally! They are a bit tricky to pick cause they do sting you, but after their picked then they lose their ability to sting.

Mom always steams them!
Wild foods have tons of nutrition and nettles are one of the healthiest and taste yummy!お母さんはこれをいつもむして、食卓に出します。イラクサは野草の中でも非常に健康によく、美味しい植物のひとつなのです!

The family dinning table is always set so nice for big farm dinners! even fresh flowers from behind out house!ファミリーディナーテーブルはいつもビックなファームディナーのためにセッティングされます。お庭でとれた野生のお花を摘んで飾ってみます!

My sister brought her new Boy Friend to dinner :)妹は新しいボーイフレンドを連れてきました!
He was a very nice guy and he loves to travel like Keiko and I!彼は私達と同じように旅をこよなく愛する素敵な人でした!

After dinner every one helps with dishes. my family is hosting an Organic Intern from China for the next 6 months. she is the only person facing the camera in this photo. She loves Wisconsin and farming.
The little Country School can arrange fun
Farm-stays like hers!
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