Dosojins are a folk deity believed to ward off danger near village borders and crossroads. Their stone statures are usually enshrined at village borders. These deities are also worshiped for bringing fertility and children's growth. Here in Nozawa Onsen there is a fire festivals held every January 15th that is dedicated to them. In particular, Nozawa-Onsen's Dosojin festival is famous for its spectacular flaming size.

This is Nozawa's Dosojin. We always feed them a little bit of breakfast in an offering. today we fed them French toast! Probably this is the first western food these gods have ever had! I hope they liked it!

さて、1月15日の夜、道祖神の歌とともに厄年の代表6名が火元である河野家からの火を大たいまつにつけ社殿を攻撃。火消し役として42歳の厄年の男性軍は社殿にあがり、25歳の男性軍は下で構えます。Six representatives from among the people at climacteric ages (25 and 42) receive the original flame from the Kono family. The flame is started by striking metal on flint. Then it's kindled into a fire which they use to light huge torches. The fire is brought to the festival site while people sing Dosojin Songs. All the torches are light from this looked after fire. Then the locals take the burning torches try to attack the pavilion. The role of extinguishing the fires is taken by the people at climacteric ages; those who are 42 years old defend the upper part of the pavilion, while 25 year-old defend the lower part.
火がどんどん近付いていきます。 The fire is getting closer and closer!

Next is hung a diamond-shaped lantern decorated with pictures, followed by split bamboo strips covered with paper flowers, which hang off the central pillar to form a bowl shape. Beneath this arrangement are numerous lanterns. At the bottom there are pieces of New Year's calligraphy written by local children and children of relatives. On January 15th, the first lantern decorations are carried to the festival site by a crowd of people singing Dosojin songs and wooden Dosojin statues are made for praying that the first born son will grow up healthy and have a happy marriage. From the evening of January 14th until midday on the 15th, the Dosojin evening festival is held. On the 15th, People visit and pray at the shrine pavilion at the Dosojin site.
It was just amazing. Nozawa-onsen Dosojin fire festival is one of the 3 biggest Japanese fire fiestival! Everybody enjoyed it very much!!
Wow, you are enjoying the work and life in Japan very much! We miss you but it is good that the lucky people in the little Japanese Onsen village get to know you!
Hey Aaron & Katie!!! Yes we have been enjoying but missing you guys!!! You got to see my new snowboard!! This little village is so nice! Onsen is fantastic!!
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