野沢温泉には全部で13か所の公共の温泉があります。しかも源泉かけ流しができる温泉というのは全国でも数少なく、しかも源泉は90度ぐらいあり、つかるお湯もやや熱め。なので帰りは雪の中歩いても湯冷めしないのがいい!村の湯仲間たちがお掃除当番や資金を出し合って成り立っていて、観光客の方々には無料で提供してくれているというなかなか珍しい温泉。最近は外人さん達の多いこの野沢温泉。温泉の入り方のオリエンテーションを受けてみんなどきどきしながら挑戦!1度入ると病みつき。みんな毎日温泉につかってリラックスしていま~~す!スキースノボ、温泉、そして日本ぽい素敵な村。まさにパラダイスです!There are 13 public Hot springs here in Nozawa Onsen. It has an abundance of good quality hot springs flowing up out of the Earth allowing us to have fresh hot springs baths all the time. The hot spring are around 90C!! We mix the HOT water with cold spring water, but it is still a bit hot for jumping right in. It warms us up to the core which helps keep us warm on the walk home! The people who love Onsen and live here donate time and money to keep their onsenes clean and nice. Visitors use the onsenes for free. the foreigners are all a little nervous about taking the onsen naked with the locals. we give them an orientation on what to do and what not to do in the onsen. they all end up loving the onsen once they get used to it. we go every day and we much prefer the onsen to a western shower.
ここは私達が働いているビラ野沢から歩いて1分のところにある’中尾の湯’という一番お気に入りの温泉!仕事の後にゆっくり使ってさっとお布団に入るのがとっても気持ちい!スキーの後の温泉はもっと最高! Here is '
NakanoYu' the nearest
Onsen from Villa
Nozawa, which is our
favorite! It is so nice to have
an Onsen ritght after working and then go straight to bed!! But after a long day skiing is even better!!!

中は昔ながらの木のロッカーがあり、情緒あふれています! 男湯と女湯は天井がつながっているので、お風呂を出るときはクロービスがいつも’ケイコ~~’と壁越しに呼ぶので周りの人に注目の的、、、。まぁ、、、いっか、、、、。 This is inside. The wooden building gives it a very nice old atmosphere! When Clovis is getting out of the
Onsen, he always call my name '
iko~~~~' over the wall and everybody looks at him with puzzeled faces (no one expects the white guy to yell a japanese name),,,,,that's OK,,,,,I think it's cute and everyone else is getting used to us!!
Onsen(Hot spring water) comes through the tap. We bring 'Yutanpo' (Hot water bottle), which my Santa gave me, and get some hot water from the tap then I bring it home and put it in our Futon(Japanese style bed). By the time we get in our bed, it is nice and worm!!!!
野沢温泉の13個の公共の湯はいくつか違う源泉を持ちますが、この中尾の湯はこの麻釜からパイプを通して流れてきます。源泉が違うと湯の花(温泉の浮遊物)の色も違う。黒かったり白かったり。地元の人たちはここで野沢菜を洗って漬物にしたり、お野菜をゆでたり、お料理に使います。ビラ野沢から歩いてすぐのケーキ屋さんには温泉のお湯を入れて作ったカステラが売っていた。 中で温泉を料理用に使えるのは地元の人専用で、それは源泉が90度近くあり観光客の人が落ちてやけどしてしまうと危険だからそうで。でもお料理している地元の人たちの姿はとっても情緒あふれる光景です!This is Ogama where local people cook their vegetables. Later on we found a shop that has Kastera (similar to sponge cake) which contained hot spring water! The 13 Onsens around here have a couple of different sourese. The hot water in Nakaonoyu comes from 'Ogama'. Different hot springs have different minerals. You can see different coloured little fibers floating in them depending on which hot springs the sourse comes from.
ところどころに足湯があり、ここは大きめの足湯。眺めも最高です。今は雪景色を見ながらの足湯!今日は朝から雪がちらちらと降り、夜も引き続きもっともっとふってきました! There are a couple of foot spa too! This is near the 'Ogama' view is great too! Now we have a lot of snow around here vs in the photo it was still fall. it's nicer with snow! It is snowing right now acutally! We are getting more and more and more snow!!!
???Monkeys are having hot spring too??!! You can see monkeys near here. Our lodge has a monkey Tour! some times we stop at an outside Onsen too! Onsen, Snow, Monkey,,,,,,,it's special!!
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