It's Tobacco Harvest Season in Wisconsin! Tobacco grows so quickly. It was still small plant 3 month ago but now it looks massive, strong and has beautiful green color! Last year it got flooded badly and we lost all of the tobacco but this year it looks great!! Nowadays the image of tobacco is unhealthy but it's very important for Native Americans. When we harvest tobacco, we feel both a spiritual and cultural connection to it's Native history, I never thought about tobacco like that before. Every year, Tobacco farmers help each other so they have lots of shared community memories. It is an historical annual
community event.
Under the perfect blue sky we started cutting Tobacco plant!

カットした葉っぱたちを積み上げて and piled it up,

先のとがったやりを使って棒に5個ずつ位さして、タバコを小屋につるして乾燥をさせるための準備をします。 And spear them 5 plants each!

From kids to adult, everybody helps all day!

Farmer's wives homemade lunch is one of the most important things for harvest season! Get energy everyone!!

One of our Amish
neighbour also helped. Of course he came by his buggy!
Our clients would arrive so we went to the La
Crosse Airport to pick them up! We were hoping to show the beautiful sunset on the Mississippi.

But,,,,, the plane was delay,,,,, we just enjoyed by ourselves....

Taka arrived safe and sounds with his cowboy hat on!
Aiko and
Iyo also arrived.

デイリーファームのホストファミリーとのご対面~~! アイコ、イヨがホストファミリーに到着時にはすでに夜の11時、、、、。お疲れ様でした~~~~~
Enjoy with the host family and farming!!! When we arrived at
Aiko and
Iyo's hostfamily, it was 11 PM,,,,,, Sleep well!!!!