5月には満開となったリンゴの花。それが今はたくさん実をつけています!と、毎年この時期になるとリンゴの収穫が始まります。今回はあの究極のオーガニックアップルファーム、Turkey Ridge Orchardにお邪魔してアップルサイダー作りに挑戦!青空の下で太陽を浴びながら、立派に実ったリンゴをダンボールに摘み取っていきます!↓ウィスコンシンの’Miss アップル’達も真っ赤なリンゴをお手にされました!
Do you remember when we visited ' Turkey Ridge Orchard (Organic Apple farm)' in May? The apple trees were in full blossom!! Now (August) they have a lot of apples! Today we are going to make apple cider!! Miss Apples are holding red ripe apples and smiling!
Let's start! Usually they use a big machine to make cider but this time, we tried the old fashion way like the Amish still does! Put the apples in the top and spin the handle to smash the apples!

Then, turn another handle to squeeze it! Go Go Keiko~~~~~

Tasting time!!! It's the best apple cider ever!!! According to the research of number of insects at apple orchard in this area, this Organic apple farm were better than some of the conventional farm! It is amazing. They have been pioneering a way of growing apples organically for a long time and now they can prove it is successful!! Please keep growing your amazing apples forever!!!!