フィンの8歳のお誕生日!うわ~はやっ!!朝食にはリクエストのドーナッツ!もちろん野菜スムージーも忘れずに!Finn's 8th birthday!He wanted to have doughnuts for he breakfast!
次の日にお友達とのパーティーをするのでこの日は家族でのお祝い!We planed his birthday party with his friends the following day so we had little birthday today. He wanted to have a drawing contest with us! Guess what who won?! Yes it's Finn! He loves drawing. He draws pictures everyday!

Next is swimming! This year Finn Kii and Tillo all three joined the swimming class! お次は大好きなスイミングへ!この日はスイミングクラスの 最終日。今年はフィン、キイ、ティオ三人とも参加しました~

学校でランチを食べて。 Finn also wanted to eat lunch at school.
スノーボードをプレゼント!この後はファームへ行ってグランパグランマと一緒!Whee---! Snowboarding!!This year both Kii and Finn got snowboarding set!

夜な夜な作った招待状!Invitation card for his birthday!
さて、やってきました!キックボールバースデーパーティー!!13人のお友達が参加してくれました。Now it's the Birthday Kickball party! 13 friends came over to celebrate for Finn together!!
グリーンチームメンバー。This is my Team Green!
ランチを食べて、またキックボール!Lunch time and Kickball again! They love it!

暑すぎたので急遽クーラーのきいた室内でのプレゼントオープン!Gift opening!!
みんなに囲まれて、幸せ!ありがとうみんな!He has such great friends! We are so proud of him!
8歳のフィン。まだまだママーって来てくれるけど、そんな日々もあと何年あるのかなー。一日一日一緒に楽しく過ごしていこうね!I wish they were kids forever but I know they are growing and it's so fast!! I just try to spend time with them as much as possible and have fun together!!! Wow I can't believe it's already 8 years since we became parents!! Happy birthday Finn!!
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