2/6ツアーでグアテマラで最も美しいところと言われているセムクシャンペーへ。泊まっているホテルの朝食。コンチネンタル(ホームメイドブレッド、ジャム、バター、フルーツサラダ)かティピコ(トルティーヤ、卵、ビーンズ、ハム、チーズのプレート)が選べてコーヒー付き。8時ごろにホテルにお迎えが来て出発。今回は6人+フィンがお客さんでツアーガイド1名。スタートしたばかりなのにガソリンスタンドによってしばらく止まりその後もう一つのガソリンスタンドでどうやらバスの入れかえ。何やらタイヤがパンクしているらしい。でも入れ返したバスの人たちは私たちが乗ってきたバスへ。え???!パンクしたまま走るのかーーーー??!!さすがグアテマラ、、、。2/6 7 O'clock in the morning we had breakfast at the hotel we stayed. The tour is included Breakfast. You can choose Continental or Tipico and coffee. 8 O'clock the tour bus picked us up from the Hotel. Within a couple of minutes we stopped at a gas station and waited for a minutes then we stopped at another gas station soon again. ??!! We swapped the buses and they said that the bus we were on has flatter tire so we changed but the people who had have been on the other bus were on the bus we just swapped.... ???!!!

コバンの町からはくねくねした山の道を2時間半ほどドライブします。山の景色はほんと、素晴らしい!Anyway, we are safe now. Look! it is beautiful mountain view!!

そしてランキンという町まで到着後、4x4のトラックに乗り換えてさらにくねくね、がたがたの道を20分ほど進みます。席はなく、みんなトラックの後ろに立ち乗り。さすが。この町に泊まってセムクシャンペイに行く人の方が多いようだ。4x4のみの場合は片道Q20($約2.5)だからかなり安上がりになる。After 2.5 hours driving in the mountain, we arrived in Linquin then we were going to Semuc Champey by 4x4. As you see there are no seat so we were all stood up in the back! Hold on tight!!! It seems like most people stay here in Linquin then go to Semuc Champey. The 4x4 is only Q20 one way.

さ、みんな手すりにしっかりつかまらないと落っこちちゃうよーーーーー!上下に揺れが激しいのでおなかの赤ちゃんもビックやったやろうなーーーとりあえず体をばねのように車の動きと一緒に動かして支えてました。特に問題はなかったみたい!ほっ!Keep holding tight everyone!!! Up and down the whole way about 20 minutes. I was like a car suspension of my baby!!

川が見えてきた!もうすぐのはず!フィンを抱っこしていたクロービスはさすがにこのがたがた道、つらかった、、、、。とりあえず到着!It's nearly there!! I can see the river! Clovis held Finn in the front with a baby carrier so he got little sick from the bumpy road,,,, Thanks daddy,,,,,

ツアーの他の人たちは1時間15分ほどのハイキングで高台からこの川の眺めを見に行ったけど、足もともかなり滑りやすくなっているようだったので私たちは、滝坪で泳ぐことができるところへ。うわーーー素敵なターコイズ色!Other people hiked up to the look out that takes about 1 hour and 15min. Because the hiking trail is bit slippery and steep, we skipped and went to the water falls instead. Look!! it is amazing color!!!

このあたりは降水量がとっても多い地域。大量の水が地面の下に自然とトンネルを作り、流れ込み、のちに合流するという不思議な地形を作りだたそうです。The water made a tunnel underneath!

水の流れによってできただろうと思われる地形がいろんなところで見えました。There are lot of interesting shape of wall made by water!

さ、フィンも泳いでみるか!!Finn, let's swim!!
お魚さんに夢中!He loved fish!!

雨が降りやすい地域だったけど、水遊びをしているときには太陽も照り最高!It has rain almost everyday but while we were swimming it was just wonderful weather!!

ツアー料金 Q280 朝食、ランチ付き(サンドウィッチ、クッキー、リンゴ付き) ツアーガイド同行。(ガイドといっても説明はあまりなかったから、ガイドついてなくても別にいいかなーーーという感じはした。)朝7時から夜7時まで1日ツアー、満喫でした!ほんとここはグアテマラの中でもお勧め!Finn really loved to play in the water and didn't want to go home,,, but we had to,,,,. Finn and I sat in the front seat of the 4x4 this time but others are in the back standing. We had heavy rain they put a plastic cover until the rain's gone. A lady who had a baby with her was also in the back,,, they got on the track on the way to Linquin and there were no more seats available,,,, the tour was included a cave which is 5 min away from Linquin. But I just realized that I forgot my CAMERA in the 4x4..... Oh no------- so many photos are in it,,,, but they contacted each other and they found my camera so I went back to Linquin with our driver while others went for the cave. I was so glad that I can have my camera back!
The tour was Q280 /pp includes breakfast, lunch(Sandwiches, apple, cookies), transport, the cave, Semuc Champey and tour guide. ( the tour guide didn't have much information about the places where we went though) 7am TO 7pm It was a great trip!!
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