Naomi landed in a little town
Viroqua! She has already noticed that Wisconsin is famous for corn and beer! The motel she stayed at the first night has a great view of corn fields from the window. She already likes our town!! She is from the north of the main Island in Japan, that is also very beautiful countryside!! She loves countryside and also "the little house on the prairie" so she decided to join our new program "Midwest Special"! She will have English lesson and fun activities for 2 weeks here in
Viroqua and then go to the Capital of Wisconsin ' Madison' and take a English course for 4 weeks. Then she will go for traveling here in the midwest of the USA!! What a great plane!!!

雑貨屋さんhttp://www.springflavor.com/を経営されているという尚美さん。あれもこれもかわいい物がいっぱいで幸せそう!!そうそう、山形のヘレン先生!尚美さんずっとずっと英語でお話されてますよ~!She has her own shop that has a lot of cute American country goods! http://www.springflavor.com/
Viroqua has a lot of great shops for her! Oh by the way, Helen, Naomi has been speaking English all the time with us and she seems understood almost everything! She said you are such a great teacher! Our teacher Jessica is also great! They had fun this morning in a class!

そしていよいよホストマザーとご対面!このおうち。本当にテディーベアが出てきそうな素敵な素敵なカントリースタイルのおうち。道路からお家までの道のりは森林が広がり、家に着いたころには聞こえるのは鳥の鳴き声というとっても静か!Host mother Mary is so glad to have Naomi as a part of her family! Her house is just gorgeous!! The little lane from the road is surrounded by trees and by the time we get to her house we hear only birds singing!! It's so quiet and peaceful!

ここが尚美さんのお部屋!うわ~私も泊まりた~い!ホストマザーが入れてくれたローカルティー(レモンバームにクローブ、そしてネトルをブレンドしたオリジナルティー)。最高でした!This is Naomi's room! Wow! yes it's like a Teddy bear house! Mary made us special local tea (lemon Balm, clover and nettle). Oh it was so nice!!!
It's wonderful that Naomi is having such a good time. I'm so excited for her.
Thank you for taking care of her!
Hi Helen! Naomi is fun and delightful person! We are enjyoing with her a lot!
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