午前中の英語の授業を終えて、ランチを食べた後、今日のキャンプサイトでもあるキカプーリザーブへと向かいました!今日は1泊キャンプです!さて、今日のメインアクティビティーのカヌー。Camping at Kickapoo Reserve! After Naomi finished her English class, we left for the Kickapoo! Of course we did

夏、カヌーとくれば!!!ウィスコンシンビール!ウィスコンシンはドイツからの移民が多いせいかビール造りも有名です。少し曇り空だったこの日も、カヌーの上でのビールはまたまたおいしい!Canoeing on a Wisconsin summer day means we need BEER??!! Even though it was a bit cloudy, the combination is great!! Yes, Wisconsin is famous for beer, so we had nice tasting beer too!

氷河が作りだす迫力ある地形を見ながら優雅に歌う鳥たちの声を楽しみながら。自然に浸ります!なんだか太陽も顔を出した!!なかなか神秘的!!We enjoyed the sounds from birds and dynamic geographic view left by the lack of Glaciers !! Oh even the sun came out!!!! It's gorgeous!!

突然尚美さんの膝に川から上陸してきた蛙!スゴイジャンプ力!ジェシカはすでにお友達に、、、。All of the sudden, a frog jumped and landed on Naomi's lap perfectly!! Jessica made a new friend!!

3時間半のカヌーはあっという間に過ぎ?4人は無事にキャンプサイトへ!We had about a 3 and half hour canoe trip!It was really nice. OK, Let's go to the camp site!

まずは火をおこして!夜の為にクロービスと尚美さんは薪を準備!キャンプサイトとは言え、まるっきり自然の中!静かな中に川の流れる音はとってもリラックス!We built a fire and prepared more wood for the night! The sound of the river sparkles over the quiet night out in the wilderness of the kickapoo, it's really cool and relaxing!

たくさん食べて飲んで、デザートにはもちろんマショマロ~~~!!★もいっぱい出てきたね!この後12時位までおしゃべりしながらテントへと!Of course, we had marshmallow time! We were chatting under lots of stars until midnight!

朝起きてみると、霧が一面に。ん????これは晴れてくるのかな?心配していたお天気とは全然違って、すっかり太陽が顔を出してきました!さ~て、今度は朝ご飯!パンの中に卵を割って、ベーコンでくるんでホイルでまいて炭火焼!!!When we got up, it was so foggy. Oh, that means it is going to be sunny??!! We heard that we will have rain today. But look it turned out to be such a nice day!! Naomi is making breakfast. It is a great camping breakfast. 3 piece of bread with an egg inside and 2-3 slice of bacon wrapped around it. Then wrap the whole thing in foil and put it on the fire!! yummy!!

腹ごしらえができた所で、今日はハイキングへ!せっかくなのでロングコースを選択し、いざ森林の中へと!う~~~ん、マイナスいお~~~ん!!!尚美さんとのおしゃべりも楽しみながら、自然を満喫しつつ!!We had plenty of energy. Let's go for hiking!!! We decided to take a long journey. Oh, feels great to be way out in nature!! Chatting with Naomi is fun too! She is full of interesting stories!

There are so many kinds of wild plants in this area. Look at the giant mushrooms!!!

丘の上の方から見る景色は最高です!Great views from the top of the hill!

エクストラアドベンチャー、今度は川を渡ります!これには尚美さんもびっくり!大草原の小さな家の世界??!!と。ひんや~りとした川の水。初めはきゃ~~~~という冷たさからNow we need to cross the river! Naomi was not sure if she wanted to get into the water but,,,,,, yet! she did it!! She loves "the little house on the prairie" so she thought it's just like in the movie!! The water was cold so we were screaming as we crossed.

どうせなので皆して川で泳いじゃいました!!すっかりリフレッシュ!But once we got used to the water tempiture, it became so nice!! We even swam in the river!! Refreshing!!

泉からわき出るお水はおいしいね~~!!約4時間のハイキング。尚美さん、この体力があれば、これでこの先のアメリカの旅もきっと楽しく過ごせる事間違いなし!アメリカってワイルドな国よね~~~~!でもそこがまたいいところ!Fresh water from the spring! Oh, how nice!! It was about a 4 hour hike! Naomi, I think you will enjoy the rest of your trip here in the U.S.A.

帰り道に、英語の先生ジェシカのおうちを見に行きました。アーミッシュ達が建てたキャビンを更に自分たちで改造して、一つお部屋を増やしているところ。屋根を切って壁を作って、、、、。ビックプロジェクト。ウィスコンシンの人って何でも自分たちでやっちゃうんですね~~~。We stopped by Jessica's house! This is an Amish cabin and they cut a part of the roof off, put taller walls up, then set the roof back down to make an upstairs. Now they are
making an addition too. people in Wisconsin do almost everything by themselves!!

来週にはウィスコンシンの州都マディソンに移動の尚美さん。ジェシカとは今日が最後かな、、、、。でもいつかきっとまた、会えるよね!Naomi will move to Madison next week. So Jessica (her new friend and English teacher) said good bye to each other, but we believe that you will come back here one day!!!

The 2 weeks program has finished. Wow time pass' so quickly!!! Naomi, keep your smile and have lots of fun in the U.S.A!!