Make 'Koji' (malted rice) and boil beans.

Smash the boiled beans and mix well with salt and Koji. Put them in a pot and keep it for 8 months or so at room temperature . You need to mix the dough ever a couple of month though.
I never expected to see someone making Miso at home here in Wisconsin!!!!!!
We visited Anne-Marie & her husband Wil to see them making Miso ! Anne-Marie from Denmark and Wil from Florida taught healthy cooking around Europe and USA for a long time! Her speciality is 'Macrobiotic'. She learned from Japanese people (Macrobiotic is originally from Japan) She also does Curative Cooking and Nutritional Counseling for life. They make Miso, Natto, Kombu-cha and lots of stuff like this by themselves. Here in Wisconsin, there are a lot of people who have unique skills!!
We have great courses which you can learn about Organic agriculture, Healthy foods, Rural skills with fun hands on activities!
Check our web site! http://thelittlecountryschool.com
May special:
Wild Cooking Best season! Farmers Market Open Amish shops Open Apple blossoms
Planting season Outdoor season start Green Green Wisconsin!
June 8th - June 28th Seeking some monitoring students!
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