今年のイースターホリデーは、車で14時間ほど南に下ったアーカンソー州のバッファローナショナルリバーhttps://www.nps.gov/buff/index.htm へキャンプ旅行へ。旅行前子供たちは1週間ほど寝込み、旅行出発時には、クロービスも私もそれが移って大変!行きのドライブでは薬とコーヒーを同時に飲みつつクロービス苦戦、、、。とりあえずキャンプサイトへ無事到着した。


そんな中でも熱も下がったので、雨の合間を見てハイキング。雨のおかげでいつも以上に多くの滝が見えてラッキー!We made it to Buffalo River Arkansas in the heart of the Ozark mountains. The Ozarks are definitely bigger then we expected, how did I miss the fact the south has a mountain range too? but spring isn’t as far along as we thought it would be, so things are wet are cold but beautiful. Despite getting pretty seriously rained


Ozarks are full of fascinating natural rock features and waterfalls! Photos from the Alum Cove natural bridge area and Lost Valley... both were awesome, but lost Valley was mind boggling - with the river spitting out a cave then carving a crazy little Valley that’s all lost up stream from were the river sneaks through another cave and waterfalls into a typical Valley... if you didn’t know the lost Valley was behind that 2nd cave, you could easily mistake it for the source.


ウィスコンシンからはるばる持ってきたカヌーは今回は諦めます、、、。安全第一。Well we had to give us canoeing this time,,,. Safety #1 please!

通れない道も出てきた。Go back!!!

それでもなんだかんだときれいなところを見られたし。We enjoyed car hiking too!

ポップアップの中でも飽きることなく遊ぶ子供たち。Great chef Clovis made nice breakfast in the popup!

イースターホリデーだったので、特別デザートも。Treats for Easter!

雨が降ってない時を見計らってキャンプファイヤーも楽しんだ!We don't give up campfire!!

キャンプサイトには5泊。初日以外は私たち貸し切り状態でした。晴れた日が一日あったので、ポップアップをたたんで、さらに南に3時間行ったほっとスリング(温泉)ナショナルパークへ行ってみた。気温もぐっと上がって25度ぐらい。今回はホテルに泊まる。残念ながら温泉は野外のものもなく、建物の中のスパは10歳以下の受け入れがなく、がっかり、、、。急遽車で1時間ほど走ったところの国立森林公園でハイキング!We stayed at the campsite for five nights and decided to move to Hot spring national park! Sounds great! It's about 3 hour driving. It's much warmer and sunny! I was supper excited for hot springs but,,,, there is no outdoor pool and spas does not accept kids under 10 years old!!! Oh No---------,
時には子供を抱えて川を渡らなければいけないところもあった。Well Clovis found a national forest for hiking. It was great! Sometimes we have to cross the river. it was cold cold water!

川沿いのハイキング。お日様ぽかぽかでほんとよかった~~!The river was so beautiful and the hiking was perfect even we had to give up to continue our hiking because the river that we had to cross had strong current. With kids? No,,,, we shouldn't,
いや~いろいろあったけど、楽しかった!This time it was bit harder than normal camping but we still had a lot of fun!!!! We love family trip!! Where is next??!!
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