日本語教師養成420時間講座、過去に一応修了してまーす!やっと役に立つ?!かな?!I took the 420 hour Advanced Skills of Teaching Japanese Language Course.

We have so many seasonal events in Japan. Everyone is very interested to hear about our culture!
うちのお雛様、学校へ進出!I brought my Hina Ningyo with us to show them! Mr. Finn is my assistant.
is often called "Doll`s Festival " in English.It is also called “Momo no Sekku,” which means “Peach Festival.”Hinamarsuri is a day to pray for the health and happiness of young girls.Families with girls display Hina Ningyo, which means Hina dolls.It is said that Hina Ningyo take away the bad luck of girls who own them.People put away Hina Ningyo as soon as Hinamatsuri is over.It is believed that if people put away Hina Ningyo too late, the girl will get married late in the future.
先生おはようの歌は学校のみんなも歌えます!先日は”頭 肩 膝 ポン!”の歌。大ヒットでした~!ちなみに学年は二年生!幼稚園のころにやる手遊びや歌がかなり活躍。しかし、このころ覚える語学はすごい!小さい頃の脳ってほんと柔らかいんだな~と実感!数字、自己紹介、挨拶、歌で覚える単語、文字の紹介。次は何にしようかな~!私もとっても楽しんでさせてもらってます!小学生が楽しめる授業、何かいいアイディアあったら教えてくださーい!We have done some greetings, how to count from 1-100, kanji for the number, some songs, introduce themselves, some of letter so far. I focus on enjoying learning Japanese but oh they are fast learner!! Thanks for inviting me for the class Mrs. Leirmo!
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