3人ボーイズとばぁばと一緒に上野駅へ新幹線を見に行ってきました!!東京駅とは違って次から次へと新幹線が続々と到着したり出発するから見ごたえあり!入場券を購入してホームへ!We took a day trip to Tokyo!Ueno station! It was even better than Tokyo station to watch Shinkansen (Bullet train)! They come and goes all the time!!!

念願のはやぶさも続々とやってきては出発。This is boy's favorite Hayabusa. It's the fastest shinkansen!

先日見た東海道新幹線以外のいろーんな新幹線が見れて満足満足!We saw so many kind of shinkansen!

その後はばぁばが提案してくれた上野の動物公園!Then we went to Ueno Zoo

オカピも見れました!The okapi is a giraffid artiodactyl mammal native to the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Although the okapi bears striped markings reminiscent of zebras, it is most closely related to the giraffe.

やっぱり上野のぞうさんは見ておかないと!Elephants are big!!

モノレールにも乗れて満足!We took Monorail ride too !

Oh it was fun day! It is hard to ride a train with three little boys so we usually go places by car but it was great that boys got to ride!!
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