Saturday, February 25, 2017

アンクル智貴宅へ at Uncle Tomoki's

これが最後の電車かなーアンクル智貴のお家へ向かいます!Another train trip to Uncle Tomoki's!
 3人もちびちゃんがいるというのにおいしい手作りお料理でおもてなしをしてくれました!ちさねちゃんはお手伝い一生懸命してくれていました。Auntie Yuko made lots of yummy food for us! Chisane loves to help her mom!

ボーイズたちはさっそくプラレールで遊んでます。Playing with train is always popular!

りょうほ君はレゴ博士のクロービスが作るのを真剣に見てます。Ryoho loves to watch Clovis building something with LEGOs!

和洋いろいろお料理が並んでさ~いただきまーす!アンティー裕子の作るお料理、どれもおいしかった~~~~!!手作りって素敵!!Cheers!! Oh it was delicious!!!! Thanks Yuko!!

あ!電車来たーーーー!!!といってベランダに出ていきました!26階から見下ろす地上は小さくみえるな~ It's train!!! Boys went outside and watch the train goes by!!
全く怖がる気配なしのティオ。海、東京、横浜あたりまで見渡すことができて晴れて雲のない時は富士山も顔を出します。He does not seems scared at all from 26th floor vies! We can see Tokyo, Yokohama area and sometimes Mt. Fuji too!

ピアノを習って1年のちさねちゃんはとっても上手に弾けるようになっててびっくり!Chisane started to take Piano lessons about a year ago. She plays very nicely and I think she is a fast learner ! 
 あっという間に夕焼けになってしまった。It's already time to go home,,,
 ロビーにて記念撮影!Photo time everyone!

駅まで送ってきてもらってお別れでーす。数日後またばぁばのお家にみんなが来てくれることになりました!Bye bye~~~~~ See you soon!!
 帰りの電車はちょっと混んできたけど、週末だったからまだまし。やっぱり3人のちび連れは電車の遠出はちょっときついかも。でもいい経験になったわーーー!It was bit crowded but we made it! We had another nice day!

房総の村 Old Japanese village museum near Narita air port "Boso -no-Mura"

この日はアンティーの提案で房総の村という博物館に行ってきました!昔の街並みが並び、おせんべいがやけたり、伝統的な工作体験ができたりします。We visited Boso-no Mura Musium You can see old village of Japan and even you can experience some of the Japanese traditional art crafts etc. It's near Narita airport so if you ever stacked at the air port might be an good idea to peek!

えっさ、ほいさ!It's a old style Taxi!

 おせんべやけたかな~と歌いながらやいてまーす!They are making rice crackers!
 お醤油とお砂糖つけていっただきまーす!Put some Soy sauce and sugar on the top if you want.
 集中しております!Printing by traditional way with natural ink.
 張り子に絵付け!Painting Hariko

 鯉が泳いでいるところを見てるのがすっごいお気に入りでした!そういえば子供のころ鯉に餌をあげるのは特別なことだったような気がする。They enjoyed watching Carps!

 下駄だ!Geta (Japanese sandals)
農家 Japanese farm house!

 うわー囲炉裏だ!Fire place in a house is great! We can make hot water and even grill foods!


 ずずず~~~おいしいわぁ Meditating!!

These are called Gacha Gacha have a ball shape container with a little toy. You can choose which kind of toy you want to get but won't know which one of the items you will get until you open it! 
Oh we had fun! Thanks Auntie Yoko! 

Friday, February 24, 2017


3人ボーイズとばぁばと一緒に上野駅へ新幹線を見に行ってきました!!東京駅とは違って次から次へと新幹線が続々と到着したり出発するから見ごたえあり!入場券を購入してホームへ!We took a day trip to Tokyo!Ueno station! It was even better than Tokyo station to watch Shinkansen (Bullet train)! They come and goes all the time!!!

念願のはやぶさも続々とやってきては出発。This is boy's favorite Hayabusa. It's the fastest shinkansen!

先日見た東海道新幹線以外のいろーんな新幹線が見れて満足満足!We saw so many kind of shinkansen!

その後はばぁばが提案してくれた上野の動物公園!Then we went to Ueno Zoo

オカピも見れました!The okapi is a giraffid artiodactyl mammal native to the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. Although the okapi bears striped markings reminiscent of zebras, it is most closely related to the giraffe.

やっぱり上野のぞうさんは見ておかないと!Elephants are big!!

モノレールにも乗れて満足!We took Monorail ride too !

Oh it was fun day! It is hard to ride a train with three little boys so we usually go places by car but it was great that boys got to ride!!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

2017年お正月 New year 2017

おなかもう一杯だけど年越しそばを食べて2016年の締めくくりをして~We eat Soba noodle before new year. We are already stuffed with so much good food but we can not miss it!

 2017年元旦! 明けましておめでと~!Happy new year!! 2017!!
日本の一大行事に今年は参加できました~み~んなでおいしいものをたくさんいただきまーす!My sister and brother's family came to visit!

久しぶりにいただくおせち~~!すごい品数!日本を感じますね~This is a traditional meal that we eat around new year! How many kind of foods??!! So many!!!
私がおつぎいたしま~す!1年生のちさねちゃんがビールをついでくれます! Little Chisane is pouring beer for us!

 いっただきま~す!Thanks for the wonderful meal!

やっぱりお母さんの煮物の味が一番だ! My mom's home made dishes are here. Simmered vegetable with chiken,

丹波の黒豆!でか~~~!Special Japanese black beans. (It's sweet)
 田作り ボーイズたち大好きです!あ、ナマスの写真忘れた、、、。ニンジン、大根、薄上げにしめさばを入れたおばあちゃんから受け継いだ一品。最高でした~!Our boys love it. It's little fish with teriyaki type of sauce mixed. And one more was Daikon and carott, beans curd and marinated mackerel called Namasu was so good!!(I even forgot to take a photo)

やっぱりお寿司、大好き!! And of course Suchi!!

う~ん、おいし~! Yummy!!

暖かいお正月になりました!外で遊ぼう! It has been very warm winter. Kids enjoyed being outside!

うちは真ん前が公園だかららっき~ The park is just in front of my mom's house!

 ウィスコンシンにも来てくれたけいこおばちゃんと息子さん家族が立ち寄ってくれました!Another Keiko who came to visit us in Wisconsin and Maui stopped by and we got hang out with her family!

 3週間違いの2歳組。They are just 3 weeks apart! They turned 2 years old in November and December!!
 木登り大好きなモンキイ MonKii!
パパ智貴大活躍!Go Papa Tomoki!!
みんなの笑顔は最高だね~変顔もね We love their smile!

 まるで恋人同士。Love each other!

そろそろお帰りの時間。あ~楽しかった!なかなか会えない従弟たちだけど、こんな風に一緒に過ごせることはほんと幸せだな~小さい時とは違う兄妹の姿を見られるのもね!It's time to go home,,, It was so much fun! I am glad to see all of them and it is always fun to see how my brother and sister are doing as a parent. It is totally different from when we were kids! Fun Fun Fun!!