ファームでキャンプしたら朝6時半ぐらいに馬達に起こされた!さ、一日始まるぞー!実は私達がいない間、馬達がテントのストラップに引っ掛かってテントが裂けた、、、、。考えてみたらこりゃ危険だ!We camped on the pasture at the farm. Horses work us up around 6:30. Actually when we were away from our tent, they stepped on our tent and ,,,, it's ripped badly,,,, watch out if you camp on the pasture!!! But KELTY (The brand of our tent) has amazing customer service. They either fix or offer amazing choices! If you ever think about buying a tent, KELTY is really great choice!
先週末はお友達の家族がファームにやってきた!ミニチュアの馬に乗ったり、泉までハイキングしてお水を汲みに行ったり。We had our friend Sage's family at the farm last weekend. We did a lot of fun activities on the farm! Horse riding,
緩やかな流れのファームに流れる川にて浮き輪でぷかぷか。短い夏、今のうち楽しんでおかねば!Cubing on the gentle river through the farm. It was a perfect weather for it!
のどかだな~Oh~~~~ it's great!

馬たちもそんな私達を眺めてる。Lucky them, it is a great to place to be!
途中ビーチでちょっと遊んで Stopped at the beach area for a while.
水鉄砲で水の掛け合い!あ~誰が最初に泣くかな~~~ Who will be crying first??!!
あ~頑張れクロービス! Go Clovis Go!
さ、夕食にスウィートコーンを取りに行こう!Let's get some sweet corn for dinner!

みんなでお手伝い! Everyone was helping!

カプリ! besides this guy!
この方、半端なくコーン好き。 He loves corn!
デザートにラズベリーもね!ファームは子供たちにもパラダイスです!Raspberries for desert! Oh farm is very special place for everyone!
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