近くにいた人に鉱山のあり場所を聞いてたどりついたのは、なんとこのあたりで唯一今でも中に入らせてくれるという鉱山だった!学校の校外授業に来ていた人達がよってきました。Local school group came to say hello to us! It's always nice to meet people!
さ、準備はいいかな~We found the only open mine tour on accident! Are you ready Kii?!
まずはちょっとした展示がしてあるエリアに。ボーイズたちはこの模型に夢中。Wow it's awesome! Boys loved the models of the mines.
くら~いくら~いとっても急な下り坂をどんどん降りて行きました。昔はドンキーをつれてこの鉱山で働いていたそうです。わぁ~ The tour guide took us down into the mine. He said this is the only mine we can go in now. Wow we are quite lucky to find this place! They used to take donkey with them. Wow it's so dark and narrow. of course the mine has a pretty horrible history with slavery, as it was established in 1550s and was the richest mine in Mexico for over 300 years.
Guanajuato滞在の最終日はちょっと遠出の日帰り旅行。なにやら温泉があるというので行ってみる。丘をくねくねとバスで走って景色はとってもきれいなんだけど、長距離のバスに乗りすぎたのかキイがひたすら泣く泣くでかなり苦戦。And following day we took a big day trip to the local HOT SPRINGS! The bus goes on the rolling hills and the view was so beautiful! But since we took many long distance buses Kii was over them,,,, He cried and cried and cried almost all the way to the next stop which was about 3 hours,,,,,

3時間のバスのあと乗り替えてさらに20分ほど。どこで降りるのかわからないけどとりあえずドライバーさんにクロービスが伝えてくれて途中下車。ようやく温泉到着!!うわーーー疲れたー。温泉で癒さねば。温泉は大きいプールのようなところが数か所あり、 We changed the bus another 20min bus ride then finally we made it!!! By then both of us were exhausted but here is the hot springs!!! Even Kii was smiling! We were all happy!
さらにはこんな洞窟まで。Now we are in a cave,,, are you guys ready?!

中の様子をご覧あれ~。Here is the cave trip!

ちびちゃんたちは空のペットボトルで永遠に遊べるようです。Kids don't need special toys. They played with pet bottles for a loooong time! they were watering the rocks!

温泉にゆ~っくり使った後はSan Mighel というまたもやオールドスパニッシュタウンによってみた。とっても素敵な建物や通り。ここはお金持ちが集まるところみたい。On the way back, we stopped at San Mighel which is another old spanish town.

ストリートフードでさえレストラン並みの料金。ま、場所代ですな~。おなじスパニッシュタウンならGuanajuatoの方が断然好みだなー。It's a beautiful town though I prefer Guanajuato. Many rich people live here, lots of expats too. Everything is bit more expensive too. Even street food is like restaurant's price. it said in the guide book that apartments down town are more expensive the San Francisco, but that is really hard to imagine.

またもや大人気。英語を勉強している子達が集まってきた! Oh more people came to us! They said they are studying English.

バスでまたGuanajuatoに戻り、町まで今度はローカルバスで戻ってきました!バス停はトンネルの中。ボーイズ達大興奮!さ、次はいよいよ最終地のGuadalaharaへ。Home!!! We took a local bus from big bus station. It arrived in the tunnel!!! Boys were supper happy! Next, we are going to the final destination Guadalahara!
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